Monday, August 15, 2011

As I sit here trying not to listen to The National because it'll make me cry.


This is awkward.

Or maybe it's not, in which case great. I don't know why I'm so shit at blogging. I apologise.

Anyway, I am currently sat in an airport, waiting for my flight to be ready for my to board. I arrived here in New York City at 3 in the afternoon, and now it is quarter to 8. My flight has been delayed at does not leave until half 9. It seems like such a waste that I should be sitting in one of the greatest cities in the world, and I can't experience it at all because I can't leave the airport.

Ah well. It's all right because I've just come from another one of the greatest cities in the world. I've been so ridiculously absent from the internet for months that you'd only know this if you follow me on Twitter, but for the past ten weeks, I have been living and working in London.

I have way too many stories to try to put them all down in one blog post, and I'm still a bit fresh from the whole thing right now (besides, according to my internal clock it should rightly be 1 in the morning right now, not 8 at night, so I'm majorly sleepy), but I'd like to try to record some of the best stories here, starting at the beginning. So I'm going to start on that in the next few days and hopefully get through the most noteworthy of tales from my time in England (and, briefly, France).

As it is, I am currently not too happy to be back in the Land Of The Free. I mean, don't get me wrong, America's great, but I made myself a very nice home in London. I found myself very comfortable in that city, and it had started to become mine. My flat, my workplace, my restaurants, my walking paths, my church, my friends. I loved it there. I loved the people I found. I miss them all very much already and I miss the city. I miss the Southbank and miss St. Paul's and I miss my stations (Victoria, and then Waterloo), and I miss the Gherkin, and I miss Snog frozen yogurt, and I miss all of the places I lived (five in total), and God forbid I even miss Soho. I miss my workplace and my coworkers and most of all I miss my wonderful friends. They are wonderful. It hurts for me to think that I don't get to see them all the time anymore.

And on that cheery note, I think I shall end this post. I do have many stories of silliness and homelessness and riots and trying to find Maureen Johnson. It was an amazing time, and I can't wait to go through it with you all (with pictures, probably).

Oh and also I went to Disney World for my 21st birthday. Maybe I'll write about that too.
