Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Darnkness and a Lack of Air

Hello, blog. Sorry it's been a while. I haven't really had much to say recently. However, today I have two funny, Doctor Who-related stories for you.

I'm sorry if you're getting sick of these, but I'm near the end of series 4, so it won't be much longer.

Anyway, last night Rachel and I watched "Silence in the Library", "Forest of the Dead" and "Midnight", which are episodes 8, 9 and 10 of series four. We were sitting on my bed watching "Silence in the Library," and the Doctor was talking very intensely about how almost every species in the universe has an irrational fear of the dark, and that it's not really irrational because it's Vashta Nerada. "It's what's in the dark. It's what's always in the dark."

At that moment, Rachel turned to me and said, "Can we turn off the light?"

I just burst out laughing. She proceeded to explain that there was a glare right in the middle of the computer screen and that every time they looked into the dark, she couldn't see because of it, but I was still laughing at the sheer TIMING of the comment. "Oh, there are monsters in the shadows? Let's turn off the light!"

Rachel offered to turn on the desk lamp, and I joked that leaving all the lights would give us a "more authentic experience." "Do you want a more authentic experience?" Rachel asked. "I'm game if you are," I answered. So we watched both episodes in the dark. Honestly, it was more fun that way. We've taken to watching all the episodes in the dark now.

We watched "Midnight" in Rachel's room and thought it was EXCELLENT! David Tennant's performance is always fantastic, and this episode in particular he was just so spot-on, it was incredible. We also really loved the psychological Twilight Zoney-ness about it. It's not an episode we ever heard anything about, but we're perfectly willing to sing its praises. It's on our "best episodes" list, definitely.

Anyway, story number two:

Today we watched "Turn Left". The preview for it had us yelling and screaming last night, but since it was, ironically, midnight, we didn't watch the episdoe until tonight. After watching Heroes, actually, which was...typical of Heroes nowadays and honestly just ridiculous. :/ So we watched "Turn Left" and we were freaking out throughout most of the episode, and then the end came.

I didn't realize it at the time, but as soon as the Doctor started realizing that the woman who'd talked to Donna was Rose, I started holding my breath. I honestly didn't know I was doing it, but I was. I gasped when Donna said "Bad Wolf" and they ran outside and everything was saying "Bad Wolf," but then continued to unknowingly hold my breath until the Doctor entered the TARDIS and I suddenly felt the urgent need for air.

And then the episode ended and I screamed. Rachel did too.

We're really worried for our dear friend Donna. We love her! We are very distressed. I'm afraid to watch the next two episodes. It's sort of like when we were about to watch "Army of Ghosts" and "Doomsday," only different. I'm scared. D:

We'll probably end up watching them on Thursday.

Like I said to Rachel, why does Doctor Who love to make us so intensely emotionally invested in these characters and the RIP THEM AWAY from us unceramoniously? Rawr, I don't like it! And then we have just a few more episodes before they take Ten from us, too! Sad faces all around!

I mean, I used to love Heroes, but when I sit there for the whole last half of that show just waiting for it to be over and then I go and accidentally deprive myself of air during Doctor Who...well the two shows just don't compare, do they? Oh well. I've gotten used to Heroes being disappointing.

I was going to blog about something unrelated to Doctor Who, but I've been feeling quite sick and don't remember what it was. Sorry. Maybe later.

I'm hungry now, so I'm going to go. Goodnight, bloggy people!

See you soon. <3

Doctor Who count: 4.11

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