Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Words Without Thoughts

"Oh God, I could be bounded in a nutshell and count myself a king of infinite space, were it not that I have bad dreams."

So, except for Twitter and my editing channel, I've been pretty much MIA on the internet since getting sick. While I was recovering from my flu thing, I got an ear infection, so the sick has lasted longer than I'd like, plus I've got ongoing personal problems, but I'm on the mend, so I'm trying to get back into the swing of things now. I want to get a video up about Disney and the wizard rock show I went to last month up soon. Actually, I just saw Craig Ferguson live, and it was AMAZING and I have a tiny bit of footage from that, so maybe I can fit that in as well.

So...um...one of the reasons I haven't blogged while sick is because I've been...really boring lately. It's driving me crazy, but I haven't been able to do much of anything while I've been sick but watch Doctor Who with my mom and little sister, who, by the way are all caught up now and ready (kind of) for the next series! Mom is ready. My little sister is still in Ten mourning, so she's not as excited.

I, for one, can't WAIT for series five to start up! I will miss Ten, absolutely, but I'm really really excited to see what Matt Smith does with the character, and where Steven Moffat will take the show. I also really like Amy from what I've seen of her. I really hope I continue to like her.

"I am but mad north-north-west. When the wind is southerly, I know a hawk from a handsaw."

The reason for all this Hamlet quoting, if you were wondering, is partly because I just love Hamlet. Favorite Shakespeare tragedy. Love it. But mostly it's because I finally got to see the Royal Shakespeare Company's Hamlet with David Tennant and Patrick Stewart, and it was one of the most amazing things I've ever seen. Definitely the best adaptation of Hamlet I've ever seen (even, I think, better than the Kenneth Branagh version, which I also love), and it was just so good! Something about sitting there watching such incredible acting of such an incredible play just made me feel all warm inside. And it AGAIN solidified my great love for David Tennant. Just...gah. <3

Well, anyway. That's all I can think of right now. I'll try to update again soon.

"My words fly up; my thoughts remain below.
Words without thoughts never to Heaven go."
See you soon!

Current music obsession: Cosmic Love by Florence + the Machine. Actually, the whole Lungs album, but Cosmic Love especially.
Reading: Fairest by Gail Carson Levine
Chipotle this year: 6

Ronan looked around herself, trying to get her bearings. She’d been seated on the kitchen table. One of her shoes had gone missing, and it didn’t appear to be anywhere in the room, the other was hanging off of her toes. She kicked slightly and it came off and clattered on the floor. Her dress was a mess and there was definitely dirt in her hair. Frowning, she pushed herself off of the table.
Arin spun back around at her movement, one of his hands still on her arm. “Where are you going?” he asked.
Ronan shook her head, still trying to fight off the last of the effects of the chloroform. “I can barely breathe in this dress,” she explained shortly. “If we’re going to do something about all of this, I need to change.”

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

"Baby, did you forget to take your meds?"

I had sick dreams!

If you follow me on the Twittah, you will probably know that I've been pretty sick since about Monday morning. Like, bad cold/flu/thing sick. And last night, I had some pretty legit sick dreams.

First, I dreamed I went back in time and saw The Beatles in concert. Only it was a very modern-type concert, and out on a lawn somewhere, and I think my dad was there as a young man.

Then -- and this was a separate dream -- I dreamt that my friend Zack was PRETENDING to be the Doctor. He wasn't actually the Doctor, but he sure was pretending. And people BELIEVED him. And everyone was thinking that I was his companion, even though I wasn't. I was just trying to pack because my family and I were going to Orlando (again) in like ten minutes, and I kept getting these emails from really random people I knew that my friend Phil had said he'd seen dinosaurs when HE was Zack's companion.

Now, this probably isn't quite so funny if you don't know Zack and Phil, but they have been known, in their lives, to be sort of a destructive version of a dynamic duo. I mean, think Allen and Craig or Jake and Amir -- that sort of dynamic, just in real life. And Phil is very much a target for mockery, mostly for . . . well, for being a bit camp, I suppose, for lack of a better word. Therefore, the fact that in my dream, Phil had been Zack's previous fake companion was kind of hilarious.

Anyway, Phil had evidently quit being a fake companion, which I suppose makes him Martha, and everyone was thinking for some reason that I was gonna be Donna, I guess. So Zack is going around, claiming he can travel in time and space (if I recall correctly, he even wore a 10th Doctor outfit), and Phil is telling everone that he saw dinosaurs, and now everyone is just assuming I'm the new fake companion. And all I want to do is be properly packed so I can leave for Orlando, because I haven't packed anything and my family is trying to leave now! I remember thinking in my dream that I might just go ahead and play along because I thought it would be fun to mess with people, but I was rushing around trying to pack and text Zack to tell that everyone thought I was his new fake companion and why was that? that I didn't really have TIME.

Sick dreams are pretty much the only fun part of being sick.

Disney World was lots of fun, by the way. I'll write more about it when I feel a bit better. And I'll make a video on my channel because my contest is done. I just don't have much of a voice right now (it's worse than John Green's husky voice. It's just . . . not really there). So yes. All of that is coming. For now I say, dream on, my little blog readers. Dream on.
