Sunday, April 18, 2010


We're re-watching "Victory of the Daleks" right now because my dad didn't watch it with us yesterday. I've been trying to work on my novel today, but I thought while we're in the Who mode, I might as well tell you, my lovely blog readers, about my fun new project.

My sister, Rachel, and I have long been talking about starting a Time Lord Rock (aka trock) band, and we've finally done it. We're called Time Children, and we've started to do this absolutely insane thing where we both write a song every week about the current episode. Since we're doing one each, that means at the end of this series we'll have twenty-six songs between us. TWENTY-SIX! I'm not sure if that's going to be one album or two, because half of our songs are short little silly ones, and half are longer, more serious, full-length songs. For example, I wrote "Fish Custard" about the first episode, and that's a silly one that's less than a minute long. Then, after the second episode, I wrote "Like a Miracle", which is a darker song and more likely to be closer to 3 minutes. I wrote a song about the new Daleks today, but that one doesn't have a name yet. So we'll see about the albums.

And here they are! The multi-colored Daleks of the new age! They are freakishly tall and have bottom ends like bumper cars.

I like them. In a weird way.

Anyway, one of the BEST parts of this song project, is that our plan is to release both songs each week, one on the Myspace and one as a music video on one of our YouTube channels. We're hoping to release each music video the Saturday after the episode airs on BBC America, before the new one premieres. Starting, probably, with "Fish Custard", which you can already listen to on our Myspace.

Anyway, that's all I have to tell you right now. I really hope you'll check it out and support my music. :D

See you soon!

Current Music Obsession: Time Children, not because I think we're super special, but because as my new music project, I think about it ALL THE TIME.
Reading: Liar by Justine Larbalestier
Chipotle this year: 7
Watching: Being Human

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Frenzies, Vlogging and the ER

One of the reasons I've been pretty absent around here is because I've begun keeping a pen-and-paper journal, which I haven't done since I was about fourteen, and is actually really nice. Because of that, though, I feel less of a need to write here, which...isn't so nice.

I'm also doing VEDA and Script Frenzy AND working on my novel because I am INSANE. And tomorrow is Easter Sunday, and I must be up early to sing in the choir at both services at my church, so this will be short.

I've had one blog-worthy experience lately, and I want to share it with you. For the first time in my life, I took someone to the Emergency Room.

I was hanging out with my friend Jessica and my friend Catalina and my sister Rachel, and Jessica had some sort of allergic reaction to something. We called my dad, who is a doctor, and he told us to just chill with her and she should be okay, but if she started to have trouble breathing, we had to take her to the ER. Well, a while later, she started to have trouble breathing.

Luckily, Jess only lives about five minutes away from a hospital. We had some trouble with parking, but we got her in and since it was ten after midnight, she got seen pretty quickly. Rachel went in with her. I did not volunteer because I have a horrible, horrible fear of needles. And there were needles. So I did not go in. Instead, Catalina and I decided to hang out in the lobby. We just talked for a while, but when it seemed clear they weren't coming out for a while, we pulled the cards out of Rachel's purse, which she'd left out with us.

Sometime in the middle of our game, I happened to look up to one of the televisions and saw...Christopher Eccleston. As it was one in the morning, Catalina and I both wondered if we were really seeing Christopher Eccleston or if we were crazy, but there he was. It was pretty bizarre, haha.

Anyway, Jessica and Rachel came out at about quarter after two and we all went home. Jessica is fine, they gave her a prescription and she's going to be fine. It was an interesting night.

Doctor Who is back tonight! It's not on BBC America until two weeks from now, but that never stops us. We all watched it and LOVED it. I was a little unsure of Matt Smith when I saw End of Time (ahem...), but I've been getting REALLY excited about this series since New Year's and I just...I loved it. Well done, Matt Smith, well done. I CANNOT WAIT for the rest of the series! I do not approve of this having to wait thing.

Anyway, I have to go sleep.
See you soon!

Current Music Obsession: Telephone by Lady Gaga
Reading: Scarlett Fever by Maureen Johnson
Chipotle this year: 6
Watching: Secret Diary of a Call Girl

I'm usually making my way through at least one television show. I will now keep track of it here.