Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Oh my god, I have a blog!

Hey, guys. Long time no see.

I kind of want to get back into blogging, but every time I say that, I blog twice and then give up for another three months or so. So I guess we'll see how this pans out.

My best friend Lauren is blogging every day this year, which is an admirable feat, but anyway a few days ago she mentioned that she's tempted to start all of her blog entries like Captain Kirk started every episode of Star Trek, and I've gotta admit, I'm facing the same temptation. Probably mostly because I've been watching The Original Series with my little sister a LOT recently. I was pretty much raised on Voyager and The Next Generation, and I LOVE AND ADORE the new JJ Abrams reboot (I'm beginning to think I'd love and adore anything that JJ Abrams creates, though -- I already feel that way about Christopher Nolan), and I've somehow managed to be always familiar with the characters and vernacular of TOS, but this is the first time I've actually gone through and watched the episodes of TOS. I'm enjoying it a little too much, maybe.

So yes, that's what I've been doing. Star Trek-y things. Also, I just went to North Carolina, which was fun. I went snow tubing, which was just amazingly and ridiculously fun. It was so good to see snow. I love snow. I never get to see snow. It was lovely.

I've also been on Tumblr. A lot. And watching a TON of movies over break while I still can. So far, I've watched Love Actually, Revolutionary Road, The Holiday, Just Friends, this ridiculous movie called Swimfan, Fight Club, 28 Days Later, Zombieland and Kick-Ass -- and those are only the the movies I hadn't seen before. I've also watched Carriers and Inception...and some other movies that I'd already seen but don't really remember. Lots of movies. I've been enjoying it. The weird thing about being a film major is when you study films so much that you don't have the time to watch films. I've got Blood Diamond, Definitely Maybe, Never Let Me Go and The Hangover waiting for me, as well as a few other tentative movies I might try to watch before I go back to school next Tuesday. I'm also trying to finish up Merlin, watch season two of Lie To Me, and Being Human starts again soon, so we'll see how this goes. I also really really really want to see Black Swan and Tangled before I get too busy. And I still haven't seen The Social Network. Oh yeah, and we're trying to catch up on Bones and finished Buffy. So yeah.

Well, that makes it sound like all I do is watch TV and movies. I promise, that's not the case.

Anyway, I'm sort of bored of blogging now, so you must be bored of reading. I'll go now.


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