Thursday, July 16, 2009


I have been SO behind in MaNoWriMo (it's like NaNoWriMo, but just me, my family and my friends, and it's in July...yeah) that it's just been really discouraging, and I wasn't sure if I could catch up. I'd been writing 1,612 words a day and it was going pretty well until I missed about four days in a row thanks to other life events and then there was the unavoidable Potter distraction (where you can't think about ANYTHING but Harry Potter for the 48 hours before you see Half-Blood Prince), plus I was starting to feel like everything I was writing was crap and I wasn't getting into the real story and I felt like I would NEVER get there, and everything was just a mess.

So today I reevaluted the whole situation, redistributed my Daily Word Quota (I'm now writing 2,350 words a day to keep up...yikes), and decided to just plod on through. I wrote 300-500 words after dinner, but I've been pretty much feeling like crap all day, so I didn't get THAT much done.

I really should be sleeping. I know I should. But I just wanted to write a little bit more before bed so I wouldn't be SO behind, and I probably would have stopped after writing around 1,300 words today, but it just didn't feel right. I had a good idea for the next segment, and I just wanted to do a little more.

I ended up writing a whole dramatic action scene (which was actually pretty good, I think), and an importnant plot point, AND a big revelation scene which neatly finished of Chapter 4! AND I EXCEEDED MY DWQ!!!!

Yaaaaay for meeeee!

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