Sunday, July 19, 2009

Half-Blood Prince REDUX

I have now seen HBP for the second time. I have to say: I LOVED IT SOOOO MUCH!!! I mean, I loved it the first time, but I LOOOOOVED it the second time! I want to smother it in huggles. I still miss the things I missed the first time, but I've accepted the fact that they're not there.

I do, however, have to make one correction to my last post: Snape DID react to being called a coward! He didn't freak out, book!Snape style, but movie!Snape has always been slightly more menacing and slightly less heated than book!Snape. Movie!Snape has ALWAYS been about the facial expressions (the first time he saw Harry, anyone?), so it only makes sense that his reaction would be all in his face! There's just a little moment, right after Harry calls him a coward, where his expression changes so he looks hurt and angry instead of stiff and villianous. Rachel and I were very happy to see that.

So yes, I had a ton of other thoughts, but I have things I need to do tonight. :]

P.S. I definitely cried longer and harder than I did last time. :/ That wand lighting scene is still too beautiful and perfect for words. I got choked up just talking about it.

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