Monday, August 17, 2009

Story of a Doctor

I don't think I've ever really talked about my love for Doctor Who here before except for once when I called David Tennant attractive (because he most certainly is)...hang on...yeah, I just checked and that's about it. Besides the original trock lyrics I posted in the same blog, and then I think twice previous to that in a very passing way. SO I believe it's high time.


I can recall seeing my very first episode of Doctor Who while surfing channels. I couldn't find anything to watch, and as I passed the SciFi channel, I saw that Doctor Who was on. I'd heard a bit about it, but didn't really know anything about it at all. I did, however, immediately recognize the man who played the Doctor as Claude (one of my favorite characters) from my then-favorite program, Heroes. It was Series 1, Ninth Doctor, episode 3: "The Unqueit Dead". I only caught the last half or so, but I enjoyed it well enough. I thought it was entertaining, and I really liked the characters. I didn't watch any after that for a long time, though.

I kept hearing from friends that I should watch it, and I had every intention to...once my schedule cleared up a bit. I had other shows to keep up with, after all. I'd get into it later. Then some of my favortie YouTubers were talking about it...a lot. And so I made firm plans with my sister (this was sometime early this year) that we would start with Series 1 as soon as the summer started. After telling a friend of mine this, she transferred all Tenth Doctor episodes from an external hard drive she had onto my computer. I know had no excuse.

We had every intention of starting in May as we'd planned...until Easter. There were a lot of people in our house and we weren't really enjoying any of their company, to be frank. So my sister and I stole away to her upstairs room and started watching the first series on Netflix. We watched about four episodes in a row that afternoon. We'd soon learn that we'd never ever be able to watch just one a go.

We finished the first series pretty quickly, and moved right on to the second. I was aprehensive about having a new Doctor after I'd become SO fond of the Ninth one. The only thing I'd ever seen David Tennant in was Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, and I knew he was brilliant in it, but I just didn't know if I'd love him as much as Christopher Eccleston. And then he was unconcious for half the episode and I couldn't even get used to him! I was very whiny and upset...until David Tennant woke up. He started asking very seriously and in the middle of a crisis whether he was ginger, he ignored the imminent danger while joyously greeting a very bemused crowd, and then...he stole my heart. He referenced The Lion King, and the absolute perfection and brilliance of his delivery of that beautiful line had me hook, line and sinker. I was officially a David Tennant fan. My sister and I had to pause the video for a good 4-6 minutes as we laughed uproariously and uncontainably because we couldn't hear the dialogue over our own laughter.

Well, we had a very busy period for a while, and after watching "The Girl in the Fireplace" with a friend on a plane in late May, we didn't watch any for a while. And by a while, I mean over two months. Finally, a few days ago, we decided it was time to get back into it. We watched episodes 5-7 of Series 2 one night, and then 8-11 the next. But we knew Rose was leaving in the last one. We didn't know why or how, but we knew she'd be gone. We didn't WANT her to be gone! I adore Rose! I love her oh! so very much, and I don't want her to leave! We didn't want to watch the last two that night anyway, since we'd stayed up far too late as it was, so we thought we'd watch them the next day. We didn't. We put it off for a few days, and then finally decided to rip the bandaid off tonight. I mean, I was legitimately stressing IRL about Rose leaving. "But the Doctor loves her!" I'd protest. "And she loves him! They need to beeee together!"

Nevertheless, tonight I knew it was time. We fretted and made worried noises all through "Army of Ghosts", and then it was on to "Doomsday".

I've never cried so hard at a television show. I've never been so emotionally invested in a television show. Usually, even if a storyline makes me cry, as soon as the program is over, I'm over it too. Not this time. We cried. We made tea. We moaned to our family about how UNEARTHLY SAD it was. We cried some more. It's not fair. It's so sad! It's not FAIR!

And no spoilers, please. I really want to experience this show in as unspoiled a way as possible. I'm aware that there are supposed to be more things that happen with Rose, but I don't know what they are and I want to keep it that way! I'm just...very very sad about Rose leaving. I love her. <333


We watched "The Runaway Bride" and "Smith and Jones" tonight too. And I got sadder every time the Doctor remembered Rose. I also cried again when he said her name at the end of "The Runaway Bride." I got very confused because I was sure my friends had told me that Donna was NOT the Doctor's next companion, but then she didn't go with him and it made sense.

Donna is kind of cool, except she's kind of annoying sometimes, but I could see myself liking her in the future.

I hate Martha. She has stupid hair. And she's not clever except a few occasional ideas she has. She's actually really daft, mostly. I hate her. I also realize my hatred for her is completely unfounded, but I don't care. She's not Rose, and she's trying to replace Rose, therefore I hate her. Rawr.

Sooo, yes. That's my Doctor Who story to date. I loooove this show. I want to marry the Tenth Doctor. 'Nough said.

However, I do want to say something. As I was going through my blog to see if I'd ever written about Doctor Who before, I came across this entry, in which I talk briefly about Doctor Who (Series 1), and then talk a little about what fictional character I relate most to. I didn't have a very good answer, because I mostly just talked about to characters I WANT to relate to. Well, now I have an answer: The fictional character I relate most to is Rose Tyler from Doctor Who. I get her. I'm a lot like her. I understand. That is my answer. Rose Tyler. That's probably why I love her so much. And why I'm so sad at hear leaving.


Goodnight, internets.
Emily <3

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