Thursday, April 23, 2009

Near-ER Experiences

Rachel and I got our first three Wizard Rock EP of the Month Club discs today! XD I haven't listened to them yet, but I'm super excited to do so!

Also, we just watched three more episodes of Doctor Who, which puts us on Season 1, Episode 6. Well, we've finished episode 6, so episode 7? I guess. We're really liking it so far. The Doctor is hilarious and I LOVE Rose! :]

Hayley asked a question on her blog today, which was what fictional person do you most relate to? I'm not completely sure. I kind of want to say Ginny Weasley, but I'm going to have to admit that the reason for this is not so much that I truly do relate to Ginny Weasley, but just because I sort of really want to BE Ginny Weasley. She and Luna are sort of my fictional role-model-heroes. I mean, she's strong and brave and mischevious and smart; she's clever and she doesn't cry often, plus, she's attractive and boys like her. And Luna is the sweetest person, and she knows who she is and she's proud of that. She loves her friends and she's kind and compassionate and smart and brave and just pretty much awesome. If I could be a combination of these two fictional women, I'd be pretty happy with myself.

I'm listening to John Green on BlogTV, and it's distracting me.

I'm trying to figure out what I want for my birthday, because I always get asked what I want, and I never know what to tell people. So far, I have two CDs, one Nintendo DS and a DS game listed. I need more ideas. If you have any idea what you think I want for my birthday, let me know in the comments.

Maybe a guitar...hmm...I don't know.

I feel like I had something to say...but I can't remember it.

OH MY GOODNESS! Tonight, after I had watched last night's American Idol with my mom and Rachel, I was getting up from my seat and I TRIPPED and fell, nearly face-first into the brick hearth. I was so close to splitting my face open on the hearth corner, but I swerved sideways WHILE FALLING and fell on my hands and knees right next to the hearth. Rachel's response to this near-trip-to-the-ER? "Good thing you fall over so much!" My sensitive sister, ladies and gentlemen.

It was actually really funny. Well, first it was scary, then it was funny.

(I will spare a certain friend of mine by NOT making any "I almost DIED!" jokes here. ;])

Okay, I haven't gotten enough sleep all week, and I'm sick and have had a headache all day, so I'm going to go to sleep now.

John's reading poetry. I don't wanna goooo.

Goodnight. See you tomorrow!
Emily <3

Attractive: Glasses. Let's just face it.
Unattractive: Pants that hang around your butt. Let's just face it.

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