Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Happy Wizard Rock Awareness Day!

Yup, that's right, it's Wizard Rock Awareness Day. I actually didn't know that until around 11:30 this morning, but I celebrated anyway. I played the Wrock Lyrics game on twitter with @wizrocklopedia, I gave a HP friend of mine a Wrock mix CD (that was actually 3 discs, but the last one only had 4 songs on it because of iTunes fail), and I -- as per usual -- blared Ministry of Magic in my car as I drove with the windows down. Maybe it's just me, but I think more people noticed today than usually do. Or maybe not, hah.

I also have a new favorite band. They just announced themselves and released their first album TODAY, but they are already one of my favorites. ALL CAPS is a side project of Luke Conrad of Ministry of Magic and Kristina Horner of The Parselmouths, and they're FREAKING AMAZING! Go listen to their music RIGHTNOWRIGHTNOW! This blog will wait until you've heard at least "I Love You" and "I Love Brains"! It's all nerdy music and it's amazing! It makes me smile soooo much!

I blame ALL CAPS for influencing my graphic minimalist piece for my composition class. It's now completely video game-themed. Seriously. It's kind of epic.

Aaaaand I just got totally distracted listening to "I Love You" again. XD

OH YEAH! I spent all evening messing with html codes to make The Potterwatch Project's myspace prettier. Go. Behold the shiny.

I have a massive headache, so I'm gonna go. Oh man, I hate freakin' zombies.

On the up side, I did post a video yesterday! It is possible that I may post another tomorrow. We'll see.

See you tomorrow, and keep wrocking! <3

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