Monday, April 27, 2009


You know, I'm just not feeling it today. :[

Still sick. Didn't do much today. Saw Bridge To Teribithia, which was odd. We were completely convinced that it was a total misnomer, until he randomly...built that bridge at the end. I didn't really get it, if I'm honest. Maybe that's just because I'm sick.

Rachel and I have been affected by all the Doctor Who we've been watching recently. We both now talk in mild British slang. Yeah...

My cats just started screaming outside my room. They don't want me to sleep! They keep trying to break in, and just now they were either attacking each other or all going at it together to attack the sliding glass door. I don't really care which as long as they don't hurt themselves, but they had better stay OUT of my room. For srs.

I have nothing else to give. If all goes well, I'll be vidding tomorrow. But that's what I said last time, wasn't it?


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