Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Attractive Factor.

Oh, right. I have to blog.

Okay, well most of my day went into rehearsing the kid's troupe I help run (it was dress rehearsal, and they're not quite ready) - and that would be boring for me to write about, and an utter snooze-fest for you to read - and something I'm really excited about that probably shouldn't be announced just yet, and I wrote about three different emails explaining it to others so I'm done explaining it for now.

Soooo....I'm going to blatantly copy Hayley and just write about what's "attractive" and "unattractive" (see what I did there? I used synonyms to blatantly appear like I'm trying not to blatantly plagiarize someone else's ideas.)

Disclaimer: These apply exclusively to me, unless admitted to by others. I don't speak for the Population of Women Worldwide, just myself.

Attractive: Hats. Not, like, baseball caps, but cool hats. Fedoras and those knit hats with the ear flaps and tassels at the ends. Even those fuzzy Durmtrang-looking hats with the ear flaps that fold up and down if you can pull it off. Jeez, if you can look good in one of those fuzzy Durmstrang hats......
Unattractive: Wearing that gross, toilet-water-and-musk cologne. Especially in excess. Might as well just gag me right now. Blegh.

Attractive: Being genuinely comfortable around and evidently fond of children. It sounds like a little thing, but this can tip the scale between a "hot guy" and a "friendly dude".
Unattractive: Not liking cats. I don't care if you're more of a dog person, that's okay, but you have to at least LIKE cats.

Attractive: Being nerdy. And proud of it. In front of others.
Unattractive: Trying to look cool. Gah. Just, no.

Attractive: Having the ability (and liking) to sing. Playing guitar. Playing piano. Playing the drums. Playing almost any instrument.
Unattractive: Have a close-minded taste in music. Take a look at my iTunes. You need a musically open mind to get to me. Wrock out with me. Appreciate Stravinsky and Bartok and minimalism. N Sync still makes some of the best car music. And The Hush Sound is one of the best bands ever.

Attractive: Reading.
Unattractive: Thinking you know more than you do. Thinking something is beneath you because it's not up to your "sophisticated" tastes. (I've had a lot of frustration as my Music Theory class has progressed into 20th century music, can you tell?)

Attractive: Being really passionate about something. Preferably something artistic and creative. If you're really passionate about math, that's great and all, but we probably won't work out. If, on the other hand, you're really passionate about music or fine arts or writing or reading or photography or...okay, you get the point. Apathy just isn't attractive. Having a passion for something and that being evident...yeah, that's pretty attractive.
Unattractive: Not liking Harry Potter. Sorry, I know that's not fair, but if you don't like The Boy Who Lived - if you don't get the fandom...we're just not going to make it.

Attractive: Being adventurous. And spontaneous. I mean, I love planned events, and I hate the kind of "spontaneity" that's really just an excuse to not make plans, but jeez, can we randomly drive into a nearby town to go exploring, or run around a park just because it's there, or something? Please?
Unattractive: The kind of "spontaneity" that's really just an excuse to not make plans. Rawr, SO frustrating!

Attractive: Songs that are nerdy. If you've written a song that references Lost or Harry Potter or Super Mario or Heroes or nerdfighters.......well, that's a good thing, let me tell you.
Doubly Attractive: Songs that are nerdy...and have my name in them. I know it's narcissistic, but I'm a sucker for a song with my name in it (even if it's not nerdy...). It's pretty rare to hear a song with the name "Emily" in it, and it always makes me feel uber special. Even when it's not written for me, or if said "Emily" spells her name differently. "Love Song Requiem" and "Me and Milee" make me squee quite a bit. :]

Okay, that's it for now. Maybe I'll do this again. Maybe I won't. Now I must sleep.

See you tomorrow! <33

(OH! and go ahead and leave comments telling me what you think is and is not attractive. :D)

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