Thursday, April 16, 2009

TweetDeck > New YouTube

So I just downloaded TweetDeck, and I'm kind of loving it so far.

And I've just figured out how to change the layout colors. This thing is awesome. XD

You know what's not awesome? The new YouTube. I won't really go into exactly HOW notsome it is, but I don't really like it. Some of it is...okay. But some of it I already hate. I hope they fix it. Soon.

I came home from my sister's composition concert too late to catch PotterCast tonight, but when I tuned into the ustream channel, there was wrock playing with HBP pictures! Ahh, it was sooo cool! I want there to be a constant wrock-and-HBP-pictures online radio show. That would be awesome.

I came home from school today with every intention of being productive. And I was. Kind of. Not with anything most people would consider "important", like "school" and things I have "deadlines" for, but I did figure out all the chords and such for a song I wrote that may or may not be the final song on The Potterwatch Project's album. I think that's pretty good work. I did, however, just realize I only have two weeks of school left and I have to finish SO MUCH before finals week. Diogponfeowifjbf. Blah.

Haha, my mom just sent out an official email to the children's performing troupe we run, telling everyone some important information and concluding with the encouragement that we are "almost ready for our fist show!" She meant first. That makes me giggle. And that is why writing emails at 11:30pm is not a very good idea. It's the very reason I'm not writing an email I need to send right now. I'll write it in the morning. Don't want official band emails to have bizarre typos. At least all the recipients of my mom's email know and love her.

I keep singing my own songs. I'm having trouble coming up with chords to one of them and it's SO frustrating! And I need verses and bridges and choruses and whole songs to several of them. Rawr, I want to work on this, not school! Just two more weeks and I'll be free. I'll have a crazy-jam-in-everything-you-were-too-apathetic-to-do-this-semester kind of two weeks, but then I will have everlasting freedom from school. Unless I do eventually decide to go back for my bachlors. Meh.

Okay, that is all. I'm all over the place right now. As you can see. :D

I still would like feedback on my song yesterday! I have 7 ratings and 1 comment. What's that about? o.O

See you tomorrow!

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