Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Spattergroit Isn't Much Fun!

I'm really tired, so this will be brief.

I don't wanna say "FML", because I actually have a totally awesome life, and I do love it, but today was...not so fun. Basically my freak out from last night carried over into today. My mom helped me make a list of all the things I'm freaking out about, which helped a little, and I didn't spend my entire day at school, which was nice, but I had planned on getting some work done while I was at home and leaving with plenty of time to get to my afternoon class. I ended up spending all my time freaking out about what I needed to get done, then completely lost all sense of time and left half an hour after I'd meant to. Rawr, not fun.

I'm so ready for all of this to be over.

But one of the things I was freaking out about (which is also the one I can't quite announce -- soon, though! very soon!) has been at least partially made better, so that's good. God works through my stress attacks.

I'm listening to the new Parselmouth song, "Spattergroit", and it's amazing. Go listen! Also, while you're at it, go vote in the Wizard Rock People's Choice Awards! Go, go!

See you all tomorrow.

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