Wednesday, October 21, 2009

But it's not Monday!

Picking up from where the last blog left off, Thursday morning we all woke up -- or tried to, anyway -- and goofed off like crazy. Steph dressed up like the emperor of Rome and chased Rachel and I creepily around, resulting in her and I on the floor, on top of one another as I struggled to get away and she crushed my left arm. This sort of behavior is not atypical when it comes to us. Brian also managed to video tape some of it, which So then me and my family left for Asheville, secure in the knowledge that we'd see our friends the next afternoon. I slept for a lot of the drive up, and then we didn't do all that much when we got to Asheville except chill and rest and then go to dinner at this adorable little family-owned place that was caffeteria-style serving, but had really good food. I also managed to miss the 'lowskis (as my mother refered to them) in the few hours I was without them, which even at the time seemed a little ridiculous to me.

This was also the day all the Balloon Boy drama happened. I swear, for the entirety of the terror moments, I was in the car feeding desperately off of phone twitter for news. It was horrifying.

Friday morning was not interesting. A little after noon my family headed over to Biltmore, where we ate and then met back up with the Strys. That's really where the fun started. Not five minutes after we'd entered the house, we got into a sort of conversation with a security guard who seemed absolutely, without a doubt convinced that Brian was a computer hacker, which was hilarious. Then Brian and Rachel got in an argument over which room we were in (Brian sure he knew from memory, Rachel reading from the guest pamphlet), then went onto the balcony where we looked at the gorgeous view, took pictures of both serious and silly nature, and found a wild turkey. The rest of the house viewing was lovely and interesting and fun, and at some point Rachel and Stephanie and Brian and I all decided that once we're married we're all going to buy the Biltmore house there. With our families. It was certainly big enough for four large families. Probably more like ten large families. We think it's a brilliant idea.

Once we were out of the house (the whole tour took about an hour and a half), we started to go a little crazy. We think it was from being too long inside with a lot of restrictions and needing to be quiet. Pretty much as soon as we were out we started going nuts with taking weird pictures, seriously considered sneaking out of the guest area and walking around the grounds behind the house (that was mostly Brian and I -- even when they're acting like children, Rachel and Stephanie are more responsible than that), and then pretty much ran around the gardens. And fell down...once. Actually, believe it or not, that wasn't even my fault. Brian fell and took me with him. It's true.

After the gardens, we went to the farm area where we impersonated a scarecrow family, collectively ran Brian over with a tractor, pet a sheep (who, by the way, waltzed right up to me and Brianna to get said petting...we weren't even near him), held ADORABLE little chickies, and then...froze. It was pretty cold at this point. So we went to get hot chocolate. It was lovely. Then we visited the giftshop and then left. But not before Rachel because a homewrecker and found a boyfriend.

We then went to a Chinese buffet and discovered that since Rachel and Brian are both dragons and Stephanie and I are both horses, we can only marry people who were born in very specific years, because while the Chinese zodiac thing gave us all two groups of people, unfortunately one of the groups of people Steph and I could marry are the very same group that Rachel and Brian hate and vice versa, so we're a bit restricted. Then we left, and that was hard and not fun and we're not going to dwell on it. All I'll say is that there was a time of a lot of hugging in the parking lot and people stared.

Now I'm home and working on my NaNoWriMo idea because November is almost upon us! I've also figured out what food I'll be bringing to the Tampa kick-off party if I end up going (it has to be somehow related to our story, and I'm very excited about it).

Also, I was editing a video for my personal channel today and my mom looked over and asked what I was doing. "I'm editing a video," I replied, thinking it was obvious. "But it's not your day to make one!" my mom protested. Evidently I've been REALLY neglecting my personal channel if my own family thinks it's ridiculous that I'd be making one on any day other than Monday. Sigh.

See you soon! <3

Attractive: Ingrid Michaelson's talent. I cannot stop listening to The Chain (the song on that starts a little less than a minute and a half in) and Men of Snow! Gorgeous. Sort Of and So Long are really lovely as well. I've loved her since her first album and her newest is just...wonderful.
Unattractive: Geography.

Doctor Who count: 4.11
Firefly count: 1.6

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