Tuesday, December 8, 2009

NaNo Next Year?

Heeeyyy. So I read the comments on my last blog and they were SUPER HELPFUL, but I'm actually not doing what any of them said. But they were still SUPER HELPFUL, I promise! They made me really think about a lot of different situations and solutions and then figure out what my character would actually do, and since he himself is not a major jerkface, everything he does at least makes sense. I had a nice talk with my sister about it, and she was talking about how when a character does something bad for a reason that's relatable, people are likely to forgive him. So THANK YOU THANK YOU for your opinions. I've figured it out now.

Also, today I got an idea for what might possibly be my NaNo novel next year. I feel it's a little premature, but I don't control when I get ideas. I'm just mulling right now. I haven't even written anything down, though I'm going to soon. This one will fall much more heavily into the YA genre than Goblin Men (which is the novel I'm working on now, fyi), and not so much into the scifi genre, though there may be a slight sense of fantasy through dreams if that makes sense? I don't know, I just thought of this today while I was cleaning a bathroom. We'll see how far it makes it.

I am SO EXCITED FOR CHRISTMAS I CAN'T EVEN TELL YOU! We got our tree the other day and decorated it and the rest of the main living area of the house, and now the living room/dining room looks like a lovely, Christmas celebration in and of itself. We have this huge advent calendar that is three little houses with windows and doors, and it's adorable. Right after we got it, my twelve year old sister decided there needed to be little people around it, so she brought out her Harry Potter figurines, which are almost perfectly to scale, and placed them around it. Including Voldemort. Who's standing on a chimney. Like an evil Santa Clause. It's kind of amazing.

Aaaand, like everyone ELSE on the internet, I have a formspring. So, if you want, you can go and ask me all sorts of ridiculous questions, and I will answer them. Yay!

See you soon!

Ghost Whisperer: 1.16
Books this year: 15

1 comment:

  1. It's okay. I got my idea for NaNo next year too.
    I hope I can hold off on writing it until then, but probably not. So I'll probably have to think of a new idea when next November rolls around.
