Thursday, December 3, 2009


Okay, blog readers. For the first time (I think...right?), I am calling on you for novel help.

See, I have this love triangle because my so-called secondary character decided all of a sudden that he was in love with my FMC, who needs to marry my MC by the end of the book. Great. So far, this guy has been able to convince himself that, while he knows FMC really likes MC, MC isn't interested in FMC. Of course, this is completely untrue, but he's managed to make himself believe it. Trouble is, pretty soon he's going to catch them kissing. Now, I know him and I know that he's a fighter. I also know he makes really rash decisions when he's upset. He's acted vaguely controlling of FMC when he's found out she's doing something that makes him angry/worried out of his mind before, and he hated MC for a while because of the way they met. However, he and MC are good friends now, which is a problem right now. I know something is brewing in my so-called secondary character, because he's been making faces and stuffing down his feelings for quite some time now. SO, my thought is that he will somewhat-sort-of-kind-of accidentally let the corrupt officials know MC's secret, which will result in MC being captured and tortured. So-called secondary guy will be completely overwhelmed with guilt, of course, when he realized what he's done, but he can't be Judas, and I'm worried that's what this plot point will make him.

This is GREAT for my plot, actually. This will work really well. HOWEVER, so-called secondary guy is incredibly loveable and I like him very very much, and I want the readers of the book to like him as much as I do. I'm worried that if I allow him to do this, everyone will hate him.

So here's my question: after reading about this situation, would you hate so-called secondary guy for doing what he's doing, and if so, how can I write this so that you'd forgive him eventually?

I just don't know.

Any input is welcome and appreciated!

See you soon!


  1. I'd hate him for a bit, but I'd probably go back to liking the character (assuming I liked him in the first place) if you made him do something to redeem himself, like risk his life to rescue the main MC...

  2. I agree with Elisabeth, I'd probably hate him for a bit, I'd get over it if he did something to then rescue/save the MC.

    One thing that you will probably want to avoid is the FMC finding out that your secondary was the person that tipped off the officials, because then you have a big confrontational scene with them, where the FMC eventually says that she hates the Secondary, and he runs off and turns to the dark side.

    Just so long as the secondary character feels bad and tries to rectify his wrong, I'll like him again. :)

    Can't wait to see your story once it's all finished and polished!
