Sunday, November 29, 2009

We are the champions, my friends.


Gahhhh I am SO happy and excited right now! XD

Lookie at my graph:

Not bad for a first timer, eh?

Also, this is what my Scrivener word count looked like when I stopped:

Yay! I did it! *victory dance*

I still have about 10,000 words (at least) to write before the book is finished, but I WROTE 50,000 WORDS IN 29 DAYS!!!!

I'll keep posting excerpts if you guys want me to, though, until the book is finished. Let me know.

Speaking of, here's an excerpt before I try to sleep while happy dancing:

Slate got to the door, but hesitated. After a second, he turned around. “Hey, Ronan?” he said.
“Yeah?” she responded.
“I don’t want you to be with Jal,” Slate confessed.
Ronan blinked. “Why not?” she asked.
Slate took a deep breath. “Because I want you to be with me,” he said.

Those are the last words I wrote before submitting my word count and WINNING. Slate is a character that I thought I had figured out before I started writing, and then when I started writing him, he turned out to be COMPLETELY different to who I thought he was. He's awesome, though, I love him. He's also the character who speaks to me the most and gives me a lot the information. For instance, I had NEVER intended to have any sort of love triangle in my novel and then he goes and informs me he's in love with my FMC. Le sigh.

Okay, seriously I need to sleep now. It's almost 1am. Goodnight.

See you soon!

NaNoWriMo: WON!!!!

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