Saturday, November 28, 2009

Computers that talk?! Egads!

Oh, jeez. I just signed on and realized I never posted anything last night. Luckily, I haven' all today. Maybe that's not such a good thing. Anyway, excerpt and word count. Fuller post later, maybe.

Jal scanned the page, which was mostly about Logan’s condition and how she was admitted and her progress since. “Date of admission for Logan Stidolph?” he asked the computer.
“November twenty seventh,” the computer replied in a cool female voice. “Date of discharge, November thirtieth.”
“Discharge?” Jal asked, confused. “November thirtieth? But that’s today.”
“Correct,” the computer answered.
“Reason for discharge?” Jal asked urgently.
“Tranfer to another facility,” replied the computer.
“Where?” Jal demanded. “Tranfer to where?”
“Information not available,” the computer said coolly.
“Information not available,” the computer repeated.
“Damn it,” Jal hissed.

Haha, I was watching the end of an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation last night while I was writing, and figured there could be computers that respond to you in my futuristic world too. Also, they're touch screen. Ooh.

NaNoWriMo: 47,385

1 comment:

  1. I"m actually so incredibly jealous of your supreme writing skills.
