Friday, November 27, 2009

Here come the men in black, galaxy defenders.

Aw, see? I totally knew you guys were awesome. All of the comments on my last blog (er, the one before last, I suppose) were highly intelligent and thoughtful. You guys rock. I just knew it. :D

I loved reading what you guys had to say about the whole thing. This part in particular made me laugh:
The criticism I hear most is that vampires don't sparkle. Well then, find me a vampire and prove Stephenie Meyer wrong. They're fictional. They can do whatever the author wants them to.

And I agree with Elisabeth: Vampires are fictional. They can sparkle if they want to. Leave 'em alone.
You people make a good point. Anything fictional can be bent to the author's desires. Plus, vampires are something that have been legend for centuries. Every region has a slightly different take on them. Just because Bram Stoker wrote Dracula doesn't mean he made the rules, right? Creativity and all that. Since vampires are, after all, FICTIONAL. Lol. You people are awesome.

Oh, excerpt:

“How did it get here?” Ronan asked, the pitch of her voice low. “What is it?”
“It’s a city,” Arin answered, his own voice full of bitterness. “The capitol, actually. It’s where the government works.”
“No, that’s not right,” Ronan answered, eyes on the skyline before them. “It can’t be right, the government doesn’t exist anymore.”
Arin turned his head an looked at her. “Are you sure about that?” he asked.

I hope all you Americans reading this had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Mine was nice. It was just my immediate family, because we live far away from the rest of my extended family, and no one was really available to come over, but it was nice anyway. The food was delicious! I'm super excited about all the leftovers we have, too. :D

I watched the end of the parade this morning, because one of the highlights of my Thanksgiving is always the parade, and we'd taped it, so we watched the rest of it in the afternoon in between cooking and decorating. After we ate, we went on a family walk (because the weather is finally starting to cool down) and then we came home and watched the Thanksgiving episode from season 10 of Friends, which is in my opinion one of the funniest Friends episodes ever made, and then the Thanksgiving episode from season 3 of Mad About You, which was also really funny, and then both Charlie Brown Thanksgiving specials we have.

I'm also really excited about it being officially Christmas season now! I love Christmas!

So, I wrote about four measures of a song today, and I couldn't figure out if I wanted it to be wizard rock or muggle rock. I'm aiming more towards wizard, since I think it could be really cool for my band to do, but I need a plot for it. I only have four measures. Anyway, I decided to try to write a chorus, to see if that would do anything, but ended up writing half of a chorus that has to be for a different song. May have figured that one out, though. It's been SO LONG since I've written any wizard rock. I wrote a ton when we were first starting as a band, so I've sort of written half of our album with songs left over, so I was taking a break. However, I think these two songs need to be band songs, so I guess I'm back at it again.

Also, I have found another favorite band. You guys responded really well to when I kept going on about "Poison & Wine" by The Civil Wars, so I thought I'd share these guys with you as well. Here is the video that made me love them immediately, and then after you watch that, go listen to their music on their myspace. They're SO GOOD! Just, SO good. You should listen. Okay.

And that is all. Goodnight.

See you soon!

NaNoWriMo: 45,166


  1. I'm really excited for Christmas season as well! And the Thanksgiving episode of friends is easily among the best. =]

    The parade this year was incredible, I've never watched the entire thing on television, but I was out standing on Broadway at 6:30 in the morning to watch it this year.

  2. Gah, I was mentioned?! Shock horror and flattery. Thank you so much :D. We're boring here in England; Christmas is all we have around this time of year. Stupid. The closest I've ever had to an actual Thanksgiving is when I watch the Friends' episodes or something.

    I'm actually listening to 'What Is This Feeling?" right now, from the Wicked Musical, despite never seeing it and only getting halfway throughout the book. I'm just a very cheesy musical songs kind of person, but I shall listen to Pearl and the Beard too.

    Lotsa love, Merani xoxo.
