Sunday, November 22, 2009

Innuendos at 5am

I'm posting a few today, because my MC and my secondary male character have finally made friends, and I love their dialogue.

“What is it?” Slate asked quietly.
“I heard something,” Jal answered, searching the trees for a sign of whatever had made the noise.
“Squirrel?” Slate asked.
Jal glared at him.
Slate shrugged. “It’s possible,” he hissed.
“It wasn’t a squirrel,” Jal whispered back. “It was bigger.”
“Not helpful.”

“Do you feel like there’s an army of Satan’s minions at war with God in your head, too?” Slate asked.
“I don’t know if I’d have thought up that similie on my own,” Jal answered, “but now that you say that, yes, that is in fact exactly how I feel.”

“What is it?” Jal whispered, stopping with him.
Slate pointed. “Bread,” he said simply.
Jal looked. There was, indeed, what looked like a piece of half eaten bread sitting exactly where Slate was pointing.
“Squirrels eat bread,” Jal pointed out softly.
“Ah, but have you ever met a squirrel who baked bread?” Slate asked astutely.

“You think they won’t believe us?” Jal said. “They’re girls, Slate, not idiots. They know woodland creatures don’t bake.”
“I don’t want to worry them,” Slate clarified. Then he rolled his eyes. “I know they know woodland creatures don’t bake. What are you crazy? I don’t ever mess with those girls for fear that they may someday prove to be able to kill me with their little fingers.”
“I wouldn’t put it past them.”
“Me neither.”

Have you been listening to Poison & Wine by The Civil Wars as much as I have? I hear I've gotten a few people hooked on it. :D

Okay, so today was less than awesome. In fact, its sheer notsomeness bled over into today and made me lie around in my pajamas for an ungodly amount of time before taking a shower. Even then, I stayed in a funk for most of the day. Ranting at dinner to my understanding family helped some, and then I cleaned all three and a half bathrooms in my house (not by choice, mind you, I was getting paid for it and I need money for Europe), and cleaning is catharsis to me, so that helped too. Then we watched Star Trek as a family, and as I've mentioned, that's one of my favoritefavorite movies and I'm in love with Chris Pine's Jim Kirk (William Shatner creeps me out, so I'm not at all attracted to the original Kirk...sorry) and I think Chekov is adorable and of course Spock is awesome and Bones and Scotty are hilarious, so that helped a lot too.

Another thing that helped was that I have a few amazing friends who were definitely there for me yesterday, even though I couldn't tell them everything that was going on. You guys mean a lot to me. Thank you. <3

Somehow, half of this paragraph disappeared, but here's the gist?:
The crap that happened, hasn't been fixed yet, but at least I'm not stewing in the funk anymore. Tomorrow, I will surround myself with supportive people and try to have a good time at church and not slip back into the moping and funk. I actually ended up not being able to sleep last night because of everything that happened, so I ended up just stopping trying and then I watched Me and My Dick until 5am, which was definitely mature (and by that I mean for mature audiences...a lot of the jokes were sort of hilariously immature), but also really funny. After that, I was able to sleep. Hah.

Okay, I should go shower and get to bed. Goodnight, lovely people.

See you soon! <3

NaNoWriMo: 35,281
Ghost Whisperer: 1.08
Firefly: 1.06
Doctor Who: 4.11
Books this year: 15

1 comment:

  1. Still loving the excerpts.

    Want to clean my bathroom? It's one of my least favourite household jobs and just happens to be the one mum has decided I shall be doing...

    I hope that either things sort themselves out or that you manage to sort them out, or at the very least that things only get better from here. :)
