Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Oh, hai.

When did I get so bad at blogging?

Well, since you last saw me, a lot of stuff has happened, and I can't remember most of it. My friends and I had a horror movie night on Valentine's Day (we're all single...), and then we followed that with and ALL DAY DOCTOR WHO MARATHON on President's Day where we watched all of series one. Some of us for the first time, some of us for the third.

And also, my mom and little sister are now on series four. Yay Donna! I'm also somewhat ashamed to admit I actually kindofsortofsometimesalittlebit feel some affection for Martha now. Occasionally. At the end of series three and in series four. I know! I hated her so much at first, and I still hate her at the beginning of series three, but...I don't know, she's grown on me. I still think most of her decisions are beyond stupid, but I kind of feel affection toward her sometimes now. I don't know.

I've recently been spending a whole lot more time on deviantART, and I'm actually working on a series of comics I'm going to post there, if you're at all interested. I just posted a preview for one of the panels I'm about 75% done with.

I'm also holding a contest over on my YouTube channel, which is still open for the next few days.

OH OH! I'm totally going to Disney World this week! I'm SUPER excited! My whole family will be making the oh-so-very-long trip up to Orlando on Wednesday and we'll be gone till Saturday. We haven't had a Disney vacation since my little sister was about two or three. She's thirteen now. I'm freaking excited.

And if you didn't catch the sarcasm, Orlando is only about two hours away from my house. . . .

I also went to an awesome Wizard Rock show in Orlando with one of my best friends, who had never been to a wrock show before and it was loads of fun, and I took a little bit of footage, so I plan on making a video about that soon.

Has anyone been watching the Olympics? I love it. Especially the figure skating. My god, I love figure skating. Ever since I was a kid, figure skating has been my FAVORITE part of the Olympics. The summer Olypics just don't compare to the winter ones because there is no figure skating. Gymnastics is kind of close, but not the same. The year she won, Tara Lipinski was pretty much my idol. I loved her all the way through the Olympics and was ecstatic when she won (funnily enough I just recently found out that one of my other best friends -- another figure skating lover -- HATED Tara Lipinski because she loved Michelle Kwan. Had we known each other then, we may not have been friends). This year, I was so over excited when Evan Lysacek took gold. Like seriously. Oh my gosh. I didn't get to watch the ice dancing from tonight yet, but I'm heavily rooting for Meryl Davis and Charlie White, though I also like the team from Canada. . . whose names I can't remember right now.

What about you guys? Do you have a favorite Olympic event? Who are you rooting for? Does anyone out there like figure skating as much as my friend and I? By the way, Johnny Weir is awesome. Crazy, but awesome.

And I will leave you with an excerpt from my novel. I kind of like that I'm showing these to you guys, because unlike all the other books I've ever tried to write, with this one, I'm not showing ANYONE anything from this first draft EXCEPT these excerpts. These are things that may change drastically in later drafts, but I'm having fun sharing these tiny bits for now.

“So,” Jal said, louder now, “I assume you know how to dance?”
Ronan laughed. “Not well,” she admitted.
“Damn,” Jal said, mockingly disappointed. “How am I supposed to impress the high of society when my date can’t dance?”
“Isn’t that why men are supposed to lead?”
“No, men are supposed to lead because we’re stupid and most of us can’t dance. We make the women look pretty and try not to step on their toes.”
“But you’re better than that?”
“Oh, absolutely,” Jal said, winking sideways at her. “Just you wait, Miss Stidolph, you are in for a treat tonight.”

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Love and Lost-ers

Sooo...LOST was on last night! That was super exciting! I, for one, was very satisfied with the premiere. I can feel the answers starting to come, can't you? I wrote an article with just a few of the questions I need answered this season, which is here (awesome that two of those questions have already been answered...kind of). Do you guys have any questions you just NEED them to answer this season?

In response to a few of your comments, Meranichan: from looking at your picture, I can definitely see your resemblance to Emma Watson, which is awesome because she's gorgeous. Certainly a great person to resemble. :] From what I hear, Kate Nash is in a band I can't remember the name of, and she's coming out with a new solo album this year, so yay. AND I'm super sorry about the jerk boy who ruined "The Nicest Thing" for you! Part of the awesomeness of the song, I think, is that it's just SO relateable, any girl who had ever liked a boy who didn't like her can see herself in it (for me, the line "I wish that you new when I said two sugars, actually I meant three" makes me believe the song was written about ME, lol), so I can see why it would be a bit personal for you now.

CRUNKRacoon: After looking at your picture, I think you might look a bit like Penelope Cruz, or Cameron Diaz when she's brunette, or even Rachel Bilson. Maybe? Those are my two cents, haha.

I have a huge sinus headache right now and I'm trying to decide whether to watch till the end of Craig Ferguson, even though it's a rerun, to go in my room and watch the third episode of Being Human, or to go to sleep. I haven't decided yet. If I still don't decide by 1:37, though, I'll have, I suppose, chosen the first by default.

Oh, I've started watching Being Human, by the way. I've only seen the first two episodes so far, but I'm REALLY enjoying it! Like Doctor Who, it seems to have a really good grasp on friends who show affection to each other without having interest in the other's pants. Hugs don't need to be fueled by sexual tension, American television. Can we get that straight, please?

Also, my mom and sister are watching season 3 of Doctor Who now. I still REALLY dislike Martha Jones. I'm sorry if you're reading this and love her, this is nothing against you personally, I just don't like her at all. I'm looking forward to the episodes where she stops throwing herself at the Doctor so much, and I really miss Rose again. And I want Donna to come back, haha. Love Donna, adore Rose, not a big fan of Martha.

Also, I just tried to type "Love," and instead ended up with "Lost." Teehee.

I've started writing my NaNo again! I took about a month long break near the end of December, but it's SO good to be back to writing. I missed my characters a bit. I used to post excerpts from whatever I'd written that day on my blog, would anyone be interested in me doing that again? Let me know if you are, and I may start again.

Okay, that's it for now. I have to decide what to do before I sleep. :] My Scottish friend Martin is telling me not to watch Being Human, which makes me want to watch it more. He should be sleeping, anyway. :P

See you soon!

Current music obsession: Balloons by Julia Nunes. I mean, seriously.
Reading: The same thing, okay? I haven't had much time for reading lately.

Monday, February 1, 2010

"I wish that you knew when I said two sugars, actually I meant three."

I keep not updating this thing until really late at night when I decide not to because it's...too late. So here's a short one.

I'm sure you're aware, it's "doppelganger week" on facebook, which means a ton of people are replacing their profile pictures with famous people they've been told they look like. Well, the person I've been told I look like the most in my life is Audrey Hepburn, so I initially put up a picture of her, but then I was asking people who I look like, and I got some interesting answers.

A lot of people have said Kate Winslet, Florence Welch (of Florence + the Machine fame) and Anne Hathaway. I see it with some of them, but not really with others, I just find it super interesting to see how other people see me. Anyway, my friend Viki ended up suggesting Kate Nash (who I love), and I definitely saw some resemblence, and my mom did too, so that's who I ended up going with.

Who do you look like? It can be someone you're told you look like, or someone you've noticed yourself. I think we see ourselves sometimes differently than other people see us, so I like hearing who people think they themselves look like as well as who they think others look like.

I'm sorry if that's dreadfully boring. Or if it didn't make sense. I just need to post SOMETHING.

Also, I'm not sure, but this whole post may have just been incredibly narcissistic. Whatever.

See you soon!

Current Music Obsession: The Nicest Thing by Kate Nash. Which, yes, I've been listening to for years, but I just had it on repeat for a bit of my novel I'm writing. It's a brilliant, simple, gorgeous, heartwrenching song.
Reading: Doctor Who: The Taking of Chelsea 426 by David Llewellyn . . . still.