Friday, January 8, 2010


Heeeey, guys. Sorry I haven't been blogging in a while. I was kind of taking a break from all things writing there for a while. It was nice, but now I'm back.

I have three major things to talk about today: Doctor Who, jobs and the end of the world. Allons-y?

So, right, Doctor Who. I finally caught up just in time for the End of Time episodes. Watched both parts on January 1st, and oh goodness. I thought my reaction would at least be comparable to when I saw Doomsday, but not even. Spoilers, by the way, in this paragraph. Skip on to the next if you haven't seen End of Time parts 1 and 2 yet. My sister, Rachel was crying on and off for the whole last half hour. I wasn't, I was trying really hard to just resist the whole thing. Sitting there going, "No, no, no, no, no, no, no!" over and over. But then, when the Doctor went to give Donna the lottery ticket, and mentioned her father to her mother, I started crying some. When Wilf lost it, so did I. Like really lost it. The second it cut back to Rose's street and I heard Rose's voice, I started to sob. At this point, I was well gone and it was really all I could do not to be too loud as I blubbed. OH MY GOODNESS MY HEART WAS BREAKING! And he was just watching her! If he hadn't made a noise, and she hadn't turned, he would have just WATCHED HER GO! Their scene was incredibly sweet and incredibly sad, and oh my lord, I couldn't stop crying. And then the OOD! All the Ood singing to him! And then he made it painfully into his TARDIS and said "I don't want to go!" which is just so human and speaks to the innate humanness inside of us all, and shows that the Doctor is more like us than he maybe sometimes wants to admit and OH MY GOD I DON'T WANT HIM TO GO, EITHER!!! And then he changed. David Tennant was gone, and there was some other man in him place. Honestly, even though there were kind of funny bits I was able to appreciate later, both Rachel and I were crying far too hard at this point to be able to appreciate them then. Long-time readers may remember that I detested Martha before I even met her just on the sole reason that she wasn't Rose, and Rachel and I were determined not to make Eleven the Martha of the Doctors, but we seriously failed for a few minutes there, I'll be honest. Going through tissue after tissue, Rachel was moaning about "geronimo", and I kept yelling "Who the hell is THAT?!" After we'd calmed down a bit, we watched the preview for next season and felt a little bit more open to him. He's still not the Doctor in my mind, but I'm becoming more accustom to the idea as time moves along. Once the new season starts, I'll probably be fine with him. Now, please, Doctor Who fans, tell me your reactions to End of Time! If you'd rather write a blog on it and link me to it, that's fine, but I want to know how you reacted! Did you cry? As much as I did? My friend Zack told me he had to accept Matt Smith's Doctor right away or he never would, whereas I need time before I can move on. Which way are you? Or do you feel differently even to that? I want to know!

Okay, that's it for the End of Time spoilers, people who haven't seen it. We're good now, you can keep reading.

So, the end of the world thing, yeah? The only reason I bring it up is because it's evidently armageddon week on the History Channel, and everyone is still talking about 2012 and whether they believe in it (I, personally, am pretty sure the Mayans just stopped writing down predictions, not that they thought the world would actually end, they just got bored or died or something). Ironically, my mom and little sister are watching Doctor Who series 1 for the first time, and during armageddon week, we saw the episode where the world ends. The one where the Ninth Doctor takes Rose to see the sun expand and destroy the earth. The Doctor has this amazing quote in that episode, and I love it, so I'm sharing it. He says:
"You lot, you spend all your time thinking about dying, like you're gonna get killed by eggs, or beef, or global warming, or asteroids. But you never take time to imagine the impossible. Like maybe you survive."

And, see, I love it because that's sort of what I believe here. I really don't think we're going to get wiped out by things like global warming or asteroids or random planets inexpicably falling out of orbit, even though nothing like that has ever happened before. I mean, call me optimistic or naive if you want to, but I just have more faith than that. We've survived this much, haven't we? We're a scrappy species. I think we can make it for a bit longer. Anyway, have you got any thoughts on the end of the world? Do you think we're gonna be gone by 2012?

And lastly, jobs. I just applied for one. It would be a blogging job and it's kind of perfect for me. I have up to two week before I hear back, but if you could all cross your extremities and pray I get it (if you're the praying sort)? It would mean a lot to me! THANKS!

Okay, I need to go and read a bit more of the Doctor Who book Zack got me for Christmas and then sleep.

See you guys soon!

1 comment:

  1. I actually wasn't that sad when the tenth doctor left. I kinda felt like it was his time to go (even though I do miss him & Doctor Who will never be the same without him). I think Matt Smith might be a decent Doctor, especially since Steven Moffat is now the headwriter. (Steven Moffat wrote all of my favorite Doctor Who Episodes)

    That's exactly the way I feel about the end of the world, 2012, what-have-you. Us human's worry too much about what might happen. And though I think our eating habits and consumption has gotten out of hand, we shouldn't worry as much as we do.

    A blogging job? That sounds cool. What blog is it for?
