Monday, January 18, 2010

"I like impossible."

Okay, well this bloggy window has been open for a really long time, and I just haven't had anything to say. I mean, I did when I thought "I should blog now," but now I don't, so it's stream of consciousness time.

I've mentioned before that my mom and little sister are watching Doctor Who for the first time with Rachel and I, and we're finally in season 2, which is personally my favorite. Season 4 is brilliant, too, but nothing really compares to season 2. We're watching "New Earth" right now. The Docter and Rose are just...aww! SO adorable. I love them too much! I love Rose and Nine, too, but Rose and Ten are unparalleled in their cute.

Also, David Tennant has freckles. It's adorable.

My band had its one year anniversary yesterday! We've been a band for a whole year now!

"It's like living inside a bouncy castle!"

"I shall proceeed...up the apples and pears!"

Possesed!Rose is genuis.


Brianna (my little sister) just referred to the research laboratory in this episode as "the psycho ward in the Emerald City."

Okay, that's enough. I told you last time that I got that online journalism job. If you want to check out what I've written so far (and I'd love it if you would), my page with my work so far is here.

Aw. Ten's first full episode and he gets to save the world through hugging. Isn't that just like him?

Stream of consciousness over now.

See you soon!

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