Saturday, May 23, 2009

TOMORROW which is actually TODAY!

Okay, so I clearly didn't post that video because I've had NO time, and the by the time I get a chance to edit/upload it, the moment may have passed. Sorry. :[ I'll put it up if I still feel like it when I get internet access again.

I'm SUPER tired, because I've been spending the time from about 10:30pm to now (almost 2am) packing like mad. Now I want to sleep. I would like to say two things, though:

Since it is officially Saturday: Today is the first day of Next!!!!


Goodbye, 18-year-old me. The day you died was a good day. Oh wait, no, I wouldn't know that yet. Well, I assume.

So, yay 19! :D

I have to go sleep now. Probably will be no blogging for a few days because probably will be no internet.

See you soon! <3

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Okay, I do realize how late it is (2:17am is not an acceptable blogging time, I get it), but I just got this spammish message on DailyBooth that absolutely cracks me up. From this random user named "RealTrueSerios". Here are the contents:


I make no joke. This is legitimately the message I got.

I made a lot of commentary about the actual content on a vlog I'll be editing and posting tomorrow if I get the time (I'm going over to Lauren's for a Lauremmy day -- that's an us day, for those who don't speak our vernacular), but I have to say -- and I tweeted about this too -- I'm REALLY tempted to respond. Not with my address or anything ridiculous like that, obviously, but still. I want to write back. I need help decided what to say, though.

So, please PLEASE either @reply me on twitter or comment here or on the vlog I'll post tomorrow (probably) telling me what I should say to this spammer?

This is hilarious.

See you soon! <3

Days until my birthday: 4 (unless you take into consideration the fact that it's actually Wednesday, in which case 3)
Attractive: Guys in suits. I was watching Gossip Girl earlier, and it was the prom episode so all the guys were in suits. Mmm.
Unattractive: Love letters written in ALL CAPS AND LOLCATS WHCH R OBVISLY SPM!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

19 In Five Days

Because I still count it as Monday until I go to bed, I'll be 19 years old in five days. I'm going to be on a plane in five days, so we did some celebrating yesterday. My sister planned an awesome, nerdfight-astic scavenger hunt, we ate Five Guys for lunch and chicken tacos at my house for dinner, and we went to see the new Star Trek movie...again. Several of my best friends came with me, and I had an AMAZING time. :D I love them.

I was sitting in-between Lauren and Abby for the movie, which was fun, as it was the second time for me and the first for either of them. Lauren is convinced she's going to marry Zachary Quinto, and Spock is her favorite Star Trek character, so it was very entertaining sitting next to her. I have to admit, I've got kind of a big crush on Jim Kirk as he is now (sorry, William Shatner just creeps me out...especially since, as Lauren pointed out, he's shrunk with age). Directly after the movie, as we do, Lauren and I started planning an epic video for our joint directing YouTube channel, Box Boy Films. We are excited to make it.

And I'm super tired, because I've had company for the past two days straight since Jessica stayed over and we didn't take her home until around 8pm. This is a good thing, though, since my sleep schedule has been messed up. Now I can sleeps.

Even though I really want to watch Grey's Anatomy and Gossip Girl, since I'm the only person in my house who watches those shows, but I suppose I won't be doing that tonight.

Also, Lauren should stop tweeting, since it's almost 1am. <3

See you soon!
<3 Emily

Attractive: A combination of leadership, quick-thinking and confidence (and good looks...). And not believing in no-win situations. :]
Unattractive: Being large and shirtless and whistling at the girls who walk past you as you play sweaty sports with the wall. Said girls WILL video tape you and talk about you to their friends and write about you in their twitters/blogs.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Zombie Nation Location Scouting

Pretty much, if ever there was a day for a blog entry it's today. Even though it's past today, and now it's tomorrow, but whatever.

Today, Lauren and Caitlin and I went location scouting for the film we're making this summer; Lauren's directing, Caitlin and I are asst. directing and starring in it. It's REALLY exciting and we had a lot of fun. We went to Panda Express for lunch and talked (maybe a little too loudly) about the plot of the movie and the idea of the undead and details about that. Keep in mind we're in the middle of a family-oriented restaurant. Then we came up with some AMAZING ideas which we're kind of keeping quiet for now, but they will be epic.

Then we went off scouting. Figured out that Caitlin's house is perfect for the first house in the film, and the back half of my house is PERFECT for the second. No one in Florida has kitchen doors that close, except the back half of my house! Plus, there are stairs. Everything we need! It's meant to be. And we found two amazing location for the wooded area which we're going to make look like one in editing. It's going to be awesome. And we're using the street outside my neighborhood. We just need to make deals with a grocery store now and we'll be golden.

It was insanely fun. We were laughing and joking and being creepers all afternoon. And then we watched Eddie Izzard, which is always epic. Just saying.

Soooo, yes. 'Twas a very fun day. Much of it is chronicled in Lauren's awesome video on the Zombie Nation youtube channel.

By the way, because I don't think I've mentioned it before, Zombie Nation is a film written by Martin K Smith, of which there are two versions being filmed this summer. One is being made in Scotland under the direction of its writer, Martin; the other is being made here in the States under the direction of Lauren. Both are, I'm sure, going to be great, because it's an awesome script, but I can say first-hand that the American version is going to be EPIC. Seriously. We're even talking about recording all original music for the soundtrack. That's how awesome this is. And we have these capabilities, which is amazing!

Okay, that's enough. I have to get to bed. Goodnight, internet.

See you soon! <3

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Yay For Doing Fun Things!

I had a very nice day yesterday which I shall now chronicle for you all:

We had a nice band practice which consisted of practicing some older songs, arranging some newer songs, introducing some even newer songs to each other, getting sidetracked a few times, and a lot of laughter. It was good. :D I'm REALLY excited to record/perform one of Rachel's new songs, what is about Tonks. She doesn't want to sing it (we kind of forced her to sing Sunshine and Daisies, so we have to comply now), but Abby and I were more than happy to split it up between us. Rachel's going to need to help me figure out harmonies for the chorus. I don't know if she wants them higher or lower or both, so I need to find that out. It's a really lovely song, and I'm very excited to sing it.

Practice ended pretty promptly at 4:30pm because Zack had a meeting down near the church (which is 30-40 minutes away from my house, where we practice), and he and Abby both had rehearsal for the puppet team they're both in at our church's children's ministry. AND because Rachel and I were going down to the same area to have dinner with our friends Jessica and Maria and then see the new Star Trek movie, which was AMAZING! I'm not a Trekkie, and I only really watched it when I was younger, but Jessica is one and we both were super impressed. Actually, all four of us were. And I'm one of those people who needs a lot to be right to be impressed by a movie. I can enjoy a movie if it's only semi-decent, but to be impressed, it NEEDS to be good. In many ways. So I definitely reccomend Star Trek to anyone who likes good movies.

Rachel and I want to see Wolverine sometime soon as well, even though I have quite a few apprehensions about it. And on Thursday I'm going location scouting with Lauren for the zombie film she's directing and I'm asst. directing this summer. Exciting!

I have to babysit tomorrow, which is fine, because I haven't for weeks because I was sick. And I think my mom wants to go bikeriding in the morning, so I should go to bed now.

See you soon! <3

Sunday, May 10, 2009

The End of an Era

It’s been long time coming, but we’ve made it this far. Others might not understand, but that’s alright, ’cause we know there’s more to it. This ain’t like anything else we’ve ever experienced, and frankly, I find that amazing. Now, some could say that it’s a fad, that it’s a trend, that someday, it’ll all fade away, but I don’t believe that. In such a short period we’ve made bonds that will last lifetimes, and I’ll be damned if I allow myself to let go without a fight. This phenomenon is blind to age, gender, race, and location, so even though we’ve reached the end, it’s not over yet. We’ll still have each other. All the friendships, and all the laughs, and when it seems dark, we’ll all be there with out stretched hands. Life’s a funny thing. It can present you with surprises around every corner. No one knows what tomorrow will bring, but we can hope that it brings us all a little bit closer.

We have the power of choice. We have the power to define our own future. We merely have to step up to the plate and take hold of what we care for, not letting go of our dreams and wishes just because people tell us this all has a life span. We all came across this by chance, and I’d be surprised if anyone at the time would have been able to predict that it would become what it is today. It’s true, some things will slowly drift beyond the immediate, but as a whole, we’ve cultivated something that defies boundaries.

Now, I know I can’t speak for everyone, I can only express my own feelings and views, but I have a pretty good inclination that a lot of you are going down the same road as myself. Ten years, ten short years. If only we had begun at year one, imagine where we might have been by now. But I digress.

As a great man once said, “It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.” We’re being given a fresh start. A new era is fast approaching. But this time around, we are the storytellers.

This is the last call. This is the final song. This is the last goodbye, so give all that you can. Let me hear you now, singing out loud and proud. No more tears will fall, ‘cause together we are strong.

Harry Potter. <333

Thanks, Christian of Oliver Boyd and the Rememberalls, for voicing to eloquently what we all feel. There are no words. Except these.

I realize it's not usually enjoyable to just read someone else's lyrics, but these express my heart. I love this community. I miss not knowing. I can't see this ending anytime soon.

Love and wizard rock,

Friday, May 8, 2009

A Summer of Wizarding

I'm going to see Whompy, JFF and the Myrtles at the end of this month (in NJ with my aunt and cousin!), Whompy AGAIN with The Remus Lupins and fricken' POTTERCAST in June, and I may or may not be playing with some awesome wrock bands sometime this summer! Ahhh, I live a charmed life.

Heehee, get it? Charmed?

Yeah, I don't know what's wrong with me. I can't stop making bad puns.

But I AM pretty freaking excited. :D

ALSO! Rachel and I are going live for the first time TOMORROW with the Wizarding Radio Hour! We'll post the link on our Twitter right before the show. Come listen to some great music and play with us!

See you soon!
Emily <333

Thursday, May 7, 2009

May, Relativity, and the Possibility of Wrock

So, this summer, I'm going to a conference called Next, which I am quite happy about, even though it means I'll be traveling on my birthday and I'll be missing LeakyCon, two things I'm quite sad about. Right after Next, my sister and I will be meeting up with our other sister at my aunt's house where we'll be staying until probably Friday while my parent are in New York, which should be lovely, because this is the aunt we ALWAYS get on with, and the biological cousin we also really enjoy. They are big Harry Potter fans as well, and I thought it might be nice if we could convert them into Wizard Rock fans whilst we were visiting with them. I checked the Wizrocklopedia calendar on the off chance there might be a show somewhere near them while we'll be up there and LO AND BEHOLD! The Whomping Willows, JFF, and The Moaning Myrtles are making a stop on their tour in Moorestown (which is only 30-40 mintues away from my aunt's house according to Google Maps) that Thursday!

I sent them both an email asking if they'd want to go to a wrock concert with us. Yet to hear back, but if they're interested, I'll wager it will be PRETTY fun. XD

See you soon! <3

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

"Run" Or Whathaveyou

Since I obviously can't sing it for you all yet, and I'm still not sure if I want to before I make a studio recording, here are the lyrics of the chorus of my new Trock song, which may or may not be named "Run":

So take my hand and run, run, run
Through time and space
You're all I need
Till I get back to this place
And the comfort I find
Is in your hand in mine
And if the world is crashing down
Just take my hand and run

I would like teh feedbacks, if you please. :]

See you soon.
Attractive: David Tennant. I've officially decided. Mmm. :D
Unattractive: The newest Facebook. Yuck.

Monday, May 4, 2009

On the topic of voicelessness.

There is one very important reason that I haven't blogged recently: if I did, all I would do is complain.

Sometimes there's a reason you loose your voice.

Not that I'm just incessantly grumpy, I just don't have any topics of conversation floating around in my head except how miserably sick I am, and how much I have to do before school is over. That load, however, is getting lighter each day. I'm almost completely free of one class, which is nice.

Also, I haven't vlogged because of that whole no voice thing.

See you soon. <3

Friday, May 1, 2009

"I May Loose Everything" Just Randomly Got Stuck In My Head

I have decided that today I am NOT going to talk about how icky and sicky I feel, nor am I going to talk about how stressful my homework load is, as my deadlines are all early next week. Despite the great truth in both of these topics, I think I've talked about them enough, and V/BEDA is almost over. I've v/blogged every day for a month, and this is it.

Well, not really. I actually kind of like this blogging thing, so I doubt I'll leave this page scattered to the four winds the second May rolls around. And clearly, I will still be making videos as frequently as possible. I really MISS making videos, since I haven't for the past few weeks. Being sick has pretty much made it impossible, plus my workload has given me no time for it, but those are the topics we're avoiding right now, aren't they? I will be making a lot of videos once I get over the first topic-that-must-not-be-named. The second is almost over anyway.

I'm trying really hard not to internet-stalk people right now. Like, really hard. I'm not sure what it is about late nights and stressful times that makes me creepy and stalkerish, but that seems to be how it works. Creepy and stalkerish and nostalgic and weird. Therefore, I am trying very hard to keep that from happening. It's very easy to do, though, and I can even do it WHILE I'm writing this blog by simply opening another tab. I mean, what with Facebook and Twitter and YouTube and MySpace (even though I never go on my own MySpace anymore, I'm just on the band's), and Blogger and all those social networking/broadcasting sites, it makes it very easy to just...virtually follow people around. I need to not be so creepy.

Speaking of Facebook (because we totally were), I kind of hate it now. And not just because it became suckified in the new layout, although that does have something to do with it. I kind of hate it because it's become OH so full of drama, just like MySpace always was. I'm pretty sure I've graduated High School. In fact, last time I checked there was a certificate denoting that I'd managed to get my AA sitting on my desk (Magna Cum Laude and everything...not that I'm boasting). And I'm almost positive that I'm turning 19 in less than a month. Sooo...what happened? Why do people have to love to cause trouble and throw public pity parties? I just don't go on Facebook that much anymore. I'll check it once or twice a day to respond to any personal messages or ignore application requests, but that's about it. I just hate the online bickering and self-pitying. That's why I avoid it.

I think the best way to avoid the stalkage would be to go to sleep. So that's what I'm gonna do.

Goodnight, and I'll probably see you tomorrow. <3

Attractive: Not having inhibitions when it comes to dancing, singing, or being happy.
Unattractive: I'm gonna go ahead and second Hayley here and say Hilary Duff. Oh, honey. You just managed to make yourself look incredibly awkward for a solid three-and-a-half minutes.