Thursday, May 7, 2009

May, Relativity, and the Possibility of Wrock

So, this summer, I'm going to a conference called Next, which I am quite happy about, even though it means I'll be traveling on my birthday and I'll be missing LeakyCon, two things I'm quite sad about. Right after Next, my sister and I will be meeting up with our other sister at my aunt's house where we'll be staying until probably Friday while my parent are in New York, which should be lovely, because this is the aunt we ALWAYS get on with, and the biological cousin we also really enjoy. They are big Harry Potter fans as well, and I thought it might be nice if we could convert them into Wizard Rock fans whilst we were visiting with them. I checked the Wizrocklopedia calendar on the off chance there might be a show somewhere near them while we'll be up there and LO AND BEHOLD! The Whomping Willows, JFF, and The Moaning Myrtles are making a stop on their tour in Moorestown (which is only 30-40 mintues away from my aunt's house according to Google Maps) that Thursday!

I sent them both an email asking if they'd want to go to a wrock concert with us. Yet to hear back, but if they're interested, I'll wager it will be PRETTY fun. XD

See you soon! <3

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