Friday, May 15, 2009

Zombie Nation Location Scouting

Pretty much, if ever there was a day for a blog entry it's today. Even though it's past today, and now it's tomorrow, but whatever.

Today, Lauren and Caitlin and I went location scouting for the film we're making this summer; Lauren's directing, Caitlin and I are asst. directing and starring in it. It's REALLY exciting and we had a lot of fun. We went to Panda Express for lunch and talked (maybe a little too loudly) about the plot of the movie and the idea of the undead and details about that. Keep in mind we're in the middle of a family-oriented restaurant. Then we came up with some AMAZING ideas which we're kind of keeping quiet for now, but they will be epic.

Then we went off scouting. Figured out that Caitlin's house is perfect for the first house in the film, and the back half of my house is PERFECT for the second. No one in Florida has kitchen doors that close, except the back half of my house! Plus, there are stairs. Everything we need! It's meant to be. And we found two amazing location for the wooded area which we're going to make look like one in editing. It's going to be awesome. And we're using the street outside my neighborhood. We just need to make deals with a grocery store now and we'll be golden.

It was insanely fun. We were laughing and joking and being creepers all afternoon. And then we watched Eddie Izzard, which is always epic. Just saying.

Soooo, yes. 'Twas a very fun day. Much of it is chronicled in Lauren's awesome video on the Zombie Nation youtube channel.

By the way, because I don't think I've mentioned it before, Zombie Nation is a film written by Martin K Smith, of which there are two versions being filmed this summer. One is being made in Scotland under the direction of its writer, Martin; the other is being made here in the States under the direction of Lauren. Both are, I'm sure, going to be great, because it's an awesome script, but I can say first-hand that the American version is going to be EPIC. Seriously. We're even talking about recording all original music for the soundtrack. That's how awesome this is. And we have these capabilities, which is amazing!

Okay, that's enough. I have to get to bed. Goodnight, internet.

See you soon! <3

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