Friday, May 1, 2009

"I May Loose Everything" Just Randomly Got Stuck In My Head

I have decided that today I am NOT going to talk about how icky and sicky I feel, nor am I going to talk about how stressful my homework load is, as my deadlines are all early next week. Despite the great truth in both of these topics, I think I've talked about them enough, and V/BEDA is almost over. I've v/blogged every day for a month, and this is it.

Well, not really. I actually kind of like this blogging thing, so I doubt I'll leave this page scattered to the four winds the second May rolls around. And clearly, I will still be making videos as frequently as possible. I really MISS making videos, since I haven't for the past few weeks. Being sick has pretty much made it impossible, plus my workload has given me no time for it, but those are the topics we're avoiding right now, aren't they? I will be making a lot of videos once I get over the first topic-that-must-not-be-named. The second is almost over anyway.

I'm trying really hard not to internet-stalk people right now. Like, really hard. I'm not sure what it is about late nights and stressful times that makes me creepy and stalkerish, but that seems to be how it works. Creepy and stalkerish and nostalgic and weird. Therefore, I am trying very hard to keep that from happening. It's very easy to do, though, and I can even do it WHILE I'm writing this blog by simply opening another tab. I mean, what with Facebook and Twitter and YouTube and MySpace (even though I never go on my own MySpace anymore, I'm just on the band's), and Blogger and all those social networking/broadcasting sites, it makes it very easy to just...virtually follow people around. I need to not be so creepy.

Speaking of Facebook (because we totally were), I kind of hate it now. And not just because it became suckified in the new layout, although that does have something to do with it. I kind of hate it because it's become OH so full of drama, just like MySpace always was. I'm pretty sure I've graduated High School. In fact, last time I checked there was a certificate denoting that I'd managed to get my AA sitting on my desk (Magna Cum Laude and everything...not that I'm boasting). And I'm almost positive that I'm turning 19 in less than a month. Sooo...what happened? Why do people have to love to cause trouble and throw public pity parties? I just don't go on Facebook that much anymore. I'll check it once or twice a day to respond to any personal messages or ignore application requests, but that's about it. I just hate the online bickering and self-pitying. That's why I avoid it.

I think the best way to avoid the stalkage would be to go to sleep. So that's what I'm gonna do.

Goodnight, and I'll probably see you tomorrow. <3

Attractive: Not having inhibitions when it comes to dancing, singing, or being happy.
Unattractive: I'm gonna go ahead and second Hayley here and say Hilary Duff. Oh, honey. You just managed to make yourself look incredibly awkward for a solid three-and-a-half minutes.

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