Tuesday, May 19, 2009

19 In Five Days

Because I still count it as Monday until I go to bed, I'll be 19 years old in five days. I'm going to be on a plane in five days, so we did some celebrating yesterday. My sister planned an awesome, nerdfight-astic scavenger hunt, we ate Five Guys for lunch and chicken tacos at my house for dinner, and we went to see the new Star Trek movie...again. Several of my best friends came with me, and I had an AMAZING time. :D I love them.

I was sitting in-between Lauren and Abby for the movie, which was fun, as it was the second time for me and the first for either of them. Lauren is convinced she's going to marry Zachary Quinto, and Spock is her favorite Star Trek character, so it was very entertaining sitting next to her. I have to admit, I've got kind of a big crush on Jim Kirk as he is now (sorry, William Shatner just creeps me out...especially since, as Lauren pointed out, he's shrunk with age). Directly after the movie, as we do, Lauren and I started planning an epic video for our joint directing YouTube channel, Box Boy Films. We are excited to make it.

And I'm super tired, because I've had company for the past two days straight since Jessica stayed over and we didn't take her home until around 8pm. This is a good thing, though, since my sleep schedule has been messed up. Now I can sleeps.

Even though I really want to watch Grey's Anatomy and Gossip Girl, since I'm the only person in my house who watches those shows, but I suppose I won't be doing that tonight.

Also, Lauren should stop tweeting, since it's almost 1am. <3

See you soon!
<3 Emily

Attractive: A combination of leadership, quick-thinking and confidence (and good looks...). And not believing in no-win situations. :]
Unattractive: Being large and shirtless and whistling at the girls who walk past you as you play sweaty sports with the wall. Said girls WILL video tape you and talk about you to their friends and write about you in their twitters/blogs.

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