Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Yay For Doing Fun Things!

I had a very nice day yesterday which I shall now chronicle for you all:

We had a nice band practice which consisted of practicing some older songs, arranging some newer songs, introducing some even newer songs to each other, getting sidetracked a few times, and a lot of laughter. It was good. :D I'm REALLY excited to record/perform one of Rachel's new songs, what is about Tonks. She doesn't want to sing it (we kind of forced her to sing Sunshine and Daisies, so we have to comply now), but Abby and I were more than happy to split it up between us. Rachel's going to need to help me figure out harmonies for the chorus. I don't know if she wants them higher or lower or both, so I need to find that out. It's a really lovely song, and I'm very excited to sing it.

Practice ended pretty promptly at 4:30pm because Zack had a meeting down near the church (which is 30-40 minutes away from my house, where we practice), and he and Abby both had rehearsal for the puppet team they're both in at our church's children's ministry. AND because Rachel and I were going down to the same area to have dinner with our friends Jessica and Maria and then see the new Star Trek movie, which was AMAZING! I'm not a Trekkie, and I only really watched it when I was younger, but Jessica is one and we both were super impressed. Actually, all four of us were. And I'm one of those people who needs a lot to be right to be impressed by a movie. I can enjoy a movie if it's only semi-decent, but to be impressed, it NEEDS to be good. In many ways. So I definitely reccomend Star Trek to anyone who likes good movies.

Rachel and I want to see Wolverine sometime soon as well, even though I have quite a few apprehensions about it. And on Thursday I'm going location scouting with Lauren for the zombie film she's directing and I'm asst. directing this summer. Exciting!

I have to babysit tomorrow, which is fine, because I haven't for weeks because I was sick. And I think my mom wants to go bikeriding in the morning, so I should go to bed now.

See you soon! <3

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