Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I should probably be writing that scene for scriptwriting right about now.

Okay, so I realize that I haven't actually posted in here since June, but I'm sick today and spent the entirety of the time I should have been in my first two classes of the day on my couch reading blogs and sleeping, but then my hunger got too much, so I'm cooking a kids' frozen dinner and blogging. Anyway, my hair looks ridiculous because it was still wet when I accidentally fell asleep while reading old Hyperbole and a Half posts from a year ago, and I'm still feeling pretty crap, but the microwave is beeping with my food, and Friends is on TV and I'm not at school, so that's fun.

And I actually just realized that I have to leave in about a half hour if I want to go to my last class tonight, which I was hoping to do, but I'm not feeling that much better. Hmm.

TBS keeps playing these Leonardo DiCaprio-themed commercials because they're playing Catch Me If You Can and Titanic this weekend (which, side note...Titanic? On TBS? "Very funny"?), but it's kind of hilarious if you know me because I have multiple running jokes with some of my friends centered around Leo. I don't know why, but I do.

Also, I keep hitting Cmd+S to try to automatically save this blog. Which isn't how you save blogs. Obviously.

I'm super rambley today. I apologize.

Wednesdays are my super long days, actually. On a normal Wednesday at this time, I'd be sitting in this room at my uni that's specifically there for commuter students for them to go to study or chill out or watch TV while they wait for their next class. I'd probably be either working on the scene I'm supposed to be writing for my scriptwriting class, or ignoring responsibility and watching a movie on Netflix. Either way.

I'm VERY excited that NaNoWriMo is about to start! It'll be a little hard to find time to write with how busy I am already, but losing is not an option. I'll probably come back to this blog through November to keep track of my progress, like I did last year. This year's novel is going to be super cracky and awesome. It's based completely on this idea that when my friends and I get rich and famous, we'll build a castle in LA and live in it together. Yeah. Should be good times.

If you want to add be as a buddy (and you SHOULD), here's my id:

Are you doing NaNo this year? What's your novel about?

Unstoppable trailer! TBS is so nice to me. Any time I'm stressed or feeling crappy, it plays the Unstoppable trailer. Which has Chris Pine in it. Yes, please.

Okay, ending this blog now.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Our Individual Human Experience

I recently read an article (recently hour ago) which highlights the long-term effect a child's name may (or may not) have on their personality and behavior. There were several obvious flaws in the article, the first being that the science was off at best. Except for the study which showed that boys with girlish names (Ashley, Shannon, etc.) are highly likely to act out, which honestly just seems obvious and inevitable, most of the conclusions that are drawn in the article have less than a leg to stand on.

The argument was that a child's name has a huge, long standing impact on that child's development. Or maybe it's because of the way people perceive that child because of their name. Or maybe it's the way the parent raise the child. Or maybe....

This is guessing. This is not science. This is not research. This is conjecture, nothing more. A British survey that says that 1 in 5 parents of the 3,000 they polled regret giving their child the name that they did says nothing about the child's behavioral reaction to the same name. Nothing. Trying to prove one point from the other is ridiculous. There are a few other studies in the article that do little more to actually prove the point they're trying to make. One or two are at least relevant.

The real problem I have with the article, though, is not the lack of science. It is the argument that a child with a more unusual name is worse off than a child with a common name. Whether the parents' attitude toward their child pushed them to try to be unique or to fit in will have an effect on a child, absolutely. This attitude can be reflected in the names a parent chooses, sure. But is being pushed toward standing out any better than being pushed to fit it?

I would argue no.

I am a firm believer that every child should always be treated exceptionally by everyone, taught to do what is right through both word and example, disciplined kindly and lovingly for doing what is harmful or wrong, protected from evil, encouraged in magic, and should never ever be pushed into something they are not. Parenting that falls too far on any side of this is poor parenting.

As a culture, we can't decide if it's best to fit in or stand out. Those who stand out get the recognition and the isolation. Those who fit in get the community and the herd mentality. Something is wrong.

I was raised in a home where no one ever really followed conventions. We were never radical, but we have always been the harmless rebels. The quirky family. The endearingly odd. Once you know us, you'll probably love us, but if you don't, we won't cry. We're close, as a family, and my sisters and I have all grown, at one time or another, to be happy with ourselves. I find little joy in standing out just for the sake of it, but I've grown up my entire life never really being content to just fit in, either.

Now here's the part where I'm going to introduce something radical: I think, as human beings, we must learn that through standing out, we can fit in.

Let me explain. We know that every person on this planet shares in what we call the "human experience." We know that everyone around us has felt pain and heartbreak, joy and excitement, apathy and enthusiasm, fear and anticipation. Sometime when we are young and emotional, or old and nostalgic, or a person and in pain it's easy to forget that we're surrounded by people just like us. Sometimes we can think we're alone. Even if we fit into a cultural norm, we all feel alone. The problem is that no one fits into a norm. No one actually fills the mold. We all stand out already. It was when I first started to embrace this fact about myself that I first started to like myself. Pushing to stand out farther and pulling to blend in better will both leave us wanting. It is only, I propose, by allowing ourselves the freedom to be who we are and love who others are that we will ever really feel like we fit, and also feel like we matter.

This is not a Disney movie. This is real life.

I realize I'm writing this to a following of about 16, but I feel like this is important. Whether your name is Morgan or Mary or Maine, you are unique. You are different. It's important to know that about ourselves and each other.

No one is the same. And no one is irreconcilably different.

Just a thought.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Some Splainin' To Do

This blog post is entirely made up of explanations and excuses. You have been warned.

VEDA: I didn't fail VEDA. I quit. I was a little behind with every intention to catch up, and then one day I claustrophobic. It had gotten to the point where pretty much my entire life save for one thing was on the internet, and I just didn't want that. So I stopped making videos ever day in April, I quit tweeting frequently, and I was just in general fairly absent from the internet. It wasn't like I decided I don't like the internet anymore or something, I just wanted to make sure I was keeping my life. But everything is cool now, so no worries.

Random Videos: This would the the "Ohh" and "Lost Who" videos. These...have no explanation. Sorry. If you had a laugh at them, that's awesome. They made me laugh a lot. If you were just confused, sorry. I honestly can't explain them. One was a happy accident, the other was my sister's doing (she asked me to post it on my channel).

Trock Music Videos: The idea is that both my sister and I (who make up the band Time Children) are writing a song each per Doctor Who episode this season. We were going to take one of those songs per week and make a music video. Life got INCREDIBLY HECTIC recently, but the plan is still to do all of that. It will probably just be later in the summer.

And that all I can think to explain. If you have any more questions, leave them as a comment and I'll edit this post.

See you soon(ish)!
Current Music Obsession: St. Vincent, "Paris is Burning"
Reading: Geekery by a bunch of people.
Chipotle this year: I lost track. 10 or 11 probably.
Watching: Merlin (which is AWESOME) and Buffy the Vampire Slayer (which is also AWESOME).

Sunday, April 18, 2010


We're re-watching "Victory of the Daleks" right now because my dad didn't watch it with us yesterday. I've been trying to work on my novel today, but I thought while we're in the Who mode, I might as well tell you, my lovely blog readers, about my fun new project.

My sister, Rachel, and I have long been talking about starting a Time Lord Rock (aka trock) band, and we've finally done it. We're called Time Children, and we've started to do this absolutely insane thing where we both write a song every week about the current episode. Since we're doing one each, that means at the end of this series we'll have twenty-six songs between us. TWENTY-SIX! I'm not sure if that's going to be one album or two, because half of our songs are short little silly ones, and half are longer, more serious, full-length songs. For example, I wrote "Fish Custard" about the first episode, and that's a silly one that's less than a minute long. Then, after the second episode, I wrote "Like a Miracle", which is a darker song and more likely to be closer to 3 minutes. I wrote a song about the new Daleks today, but that one doesn't have a name yet. So we'll see about the albums.

And here they are! The multi-colored Daleks of the new age! They are freakishly tall and have bottom ends like bumper cars.

I like them. In a weird way.

Anyway, one of the BEST parts of this song project, is that our plan is to release both songs each week, one on the Myspace and one as a music video on one of our YouTube channels. We're hoping to release each music video the Saturday after the episode airs on BBC America, before the new one premieres. Starting, probably, with "Fish Custard", which you can already listen to on our Myspace.

Anyway, that's all I have to tell you right now. I really hope you'll check it out and support my music. :D

See you soon!

Current Music Obsession: Time Children, not because I think we're super special, but because as my new music project, I think about it ALL THE TIME.
Reading: Liar by Justine Larbalestier
Chipotle this year: 7
Watching: Being Human

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Frenzies, Vlogging and the ER

One of the reasons I've been pretty absent around here is because I've begun keeping a pen-and-paper journal, which I haven't done since I was about fourteen, and is actually really nice. Because of that, though, I feel less of a need to write here, which...isn't so nice.

I'm also doing VEDA and Script Frenzy AND working on my novel because I am INSANE. And tomorrow is Easter Sunday, and I must be up early to sing in the choir at both services at my church, so this will be short.

I've had one blog-worthy experience lately, and I want to share it with you. For the first time in my life, I took someone to the Emergency Room.

I was hanging out with my friend Jessica and my friend Catalina and my sister Rachel, and Jessica had some sort of allergic reaction to something. We called my dad, who is a doctor, and he told us to just chill with her and she should be okay, but if she started to have trouble breathing, we had to take her to the ER. Well, a while later, she started to have trouble breathing.

Luckily, Jess only lives about five minutes away from a hospital. We had some trouble with parking, but we got her in and since it was ten after midnight, she got seen pretty quickly. Rachel went in with her. I did not volunteer because I have a horrible, horrible fear of needles. And there were needles. So I did not go in. Instead, Catalina and I decided to hang out in the lobby. We just talked for a while, but when it seemed clear they weren't coming out for a while, we pulled the cards out of Rachel's purse, which she'd left out with us.

Sometime in the middle of our game, I happened to look up to one of the televisions and saw...Christopher Eccleston. As it was one in the morning, Catalina and I both wondered if we were really seeing Christopher Eccleston or if we were crazy, but there he was. It was pretty bizarre, haha.

Anyway, Jessica and Rachel came out at about quarter after two and we all went home. Jessica is fine, they gave her a prescription and she's going to be fine. It was an interesting night.

Doctor Who is back tonight! It's not on BBC America until two weeks from now, but that never stops us. We all watched it and LOVED it. I was a little unsure of Matt Smith when I saw End of Time (ahem...), but I've been getting REALLY excited about this series since New Year's and I just...I loved it. Well done, Matt Smith, well done. I CANNOT WAIT for the rest of the series! I do not approve of this having to wait thing.

Anyway, I have to go sleep.
See you soon!

Current Music Obsession: Telephone by Lady Gaga
Reading: Scarlett Fever by Maureen Johnson
Chipotle this year: 6
Watching: Secret Diary of a Call Girl

I'm usually making my way through at least one television show. I will now keep track of it here.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Words Without Thoughts

"Oh God, I could be bounded in a nutshell and count myself a king of infinite space, were it not that I have bad dreams."

So, except for Twitter and my editing channel, I've been pretty much MIA on the internet since getting sick. While I was recovering from my flu thing, I got an ear infection, so the sick has lasted longer than I'd like, plus I've got ongoing personal problems, but I'm on the mend, so I'm trying to get back into the swing of things now. I want to get a video up about Disney and the wizard rock show I went to last month up soon. Actually, I just saw Craig Ferguson live, and it was AMAZING and I have a tiny bit of footage from that, so maybe I can fit that in as well. of the reasons I haven't blogged while sick is because I've been...really boring lately. It's driving me crazy, but I haven't been able to do much of anything while I've been sick but watch Doctor Who with my mom and little sister, who, by the way are all caught up now and ready (kind of) for the next series! Mom is ready. My little sister is still in Ten mourning, so she's not as excited.

I, for one, can't WAIT for series five to start up! I will miss Ten, absolutely, but I'm really really excited to see what Matt Smith does with the character, and where Steven Moffat will take the show. I also really like Amy from what I've seen of her. I really hope I continue to like her.

"I am but mad north-north-west. When the wind is southerly, I know a hawk from a handsaw."

The reason for all this Hamlet quoting, if you were wondering, is partly because I just love Hamlet. Favorite Shakespeare tragedy. Love it. But mostly it's because I finally got to see the Royal Shakespeare Company's Hamlet with David Tennant and Patrick Stewart, and it was one of the most amazing things I've ever seen. Definitely the best adaptation of Hamlet I've ever seen (even, I think, better than the Kenneth Branagh version, which I also love), and it was just so good! Something about sitting there watching such incredible acting of such an incredible play just made me feel all warm inside. And it AGAIN solidified my great love for David Tennant. Just...gah. <3

Well, anyway. That's all I can think of right now. I'll try to update again soon.

"My words fly up; my thoughts remain below.
Words without thoughts never to Heaven go."
See you soon!

Current music obsession: Cosmic Love by Florence + the Machine. Actually, the whole Lungs album, but Cosmic Love especially.
Reading: Fairest by Gail Carson Levine
Chipotle this year: 6

Ronan looked around herself, trying to get her bearings. She’d been seated on the kitchen table. One of her shoes had gone missing, and it didn’t appear to be anywhere in the room, the other was hanging off of her toes. She kicked slightly and it came off and clattered on the floor. Her dress was a mess and there was definitely dirt in her hair. Frowning, she pushed herself off of the table.
Arin spun back around at her movement, one of his hands still on her arm. “Where are you going?” he asked.
Ronan shook her head, still trying to fight off the last of the effects of the chloroform. “I can barely breathe in this dress,” she explained shortly. “If we’re going to do something about all of this, I need to change.”

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

"Baby, did you forget to take your meds?"

I had sick dreams!

If you follow me on the Twittah, you will probably know that I've been pretty sick since about Monday morning. Like, bad cold/flu/thing sick. And last night, I had some pretty legit sick dreams.

First, I dreamed I went back in time and saw The Beatles in concert. Only it was a very modern-type concert, and out on a lawn somewhere, and I think my dad was there as a young man.

Then -- and this was a separate dream -- I dreamt that my friend Zack was PRETENDING to be the Doctor. He wasn't actually the Doctor, but he sure was pretending. And people BELIEVED him. And everyone was thinking that I was his companion, even though I wasn't. I was just trying to pack because my family and I were going to Orlando (again) in like ten minutes, and I kept getting these emails from really random people I knew that my friend Phil had said he'd seen dinosaurs when HE was Zack's companion.

Now, this probably isn't quite so funny if you don't know Zack and Phil, but they have been known, in their lives, to be sort of a destructive version of a dynamic duo. I mean, think Allen and Craig or Jake and Amir -- that sort of dynamic, just in real life. And Phil is very much a target for mockery, mostly for . . . well, for being a bit camp, I suppose, for lack of a better word. Therefore, the fact that in my dream, Phil had been Zack's previous fake companion was kind of hilarious.

Anyway, Phil had evidently quit being a fake companion, which I suppose makes him Martha, and everyone was thinking for some reason that I was gonna be Donna, I guess. So Zack is going around, claiming he can travel in time and space (if I recall correctly, he even wore a 10th Doctor outfit), and Phil is telling everone that he saw dinosaurs, and now everyone is just assuming I'm the new fake companion. And all I want to do is be properly packed so I can leave for Orlando, because I haven't packed anything and my family is trying to leave now! I remember thinking in my dream that I might just go ahead and play along because I thought it would be fun to mess with people, but I was rushing around trying to pack and text Zack to tell that everyone thought I was his new fake companion and why was that? that I didn't really have TIME.

Sick dreams are pretty much the only fun part of being sick.

Disney World was lots of fun, by the way. I'll write more about it when I feel a bit better. And I'll make a video on my channel because my contest is done. I just don't have much of a voice right now (it's worse than John Green's husky voice. It's just . . . not really there). So yes. All of that is coming. For now I say, dream on, my little blog readers. Dream on.


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Oh, hai.

When did I get so bad at blogging?

Well, since you last saw me, a lot of stuff has happened, and I can't remember most of it. My friends and I had a horror movie night on Valentine's Day (we're all single...), and then we followed that with and ALL DAY DOCTOR WHO MARATHON on President's Day where we watched all of series one. Some of us for the first time, some of us for the third.

And also, my mom and little sister are now on series four. Yay Donna! I'm also somewhat ashamed to admit I actually kindofsortofsometimesalittlebit feel some affection for Martha now. Occasionally. At the end of series three and in series four. I know! I hated her so much at first, and I still hate her at the beginning of series three, but...I don't know, she's grown on me. I still think most of her decisions are beyond stupid, but I kind of feel affection toward her sometimes now. I don't know.

I've recently been spending a whole lot more time on deviantART, and I'm actually working on a series of comics I'm going to post there, if you're at all interested. I just posted a preview for one of the panels I'm about 75% done with.

I'm also holding a contest over on my YouTube channel, which is still open for the next few days.

OH OH! I'm totally going to Disney World this week! I'm SUPER excited! My whole family will be making the oh-so-very-long trip up to Orlando on Wednesday and we'll be gone till Saturday. We haven't had a Disney vacation since my little sister was about two or three. She's thirteen now. I'm freaking excited.

And if you didn't catch the sarcasm, Orlando is only about two hours away from my house. . . .

I also went to an awesome Wizard Rock show in Orlando with one of my best friends, who had never been to a wrock show before and it was loads of fun, and I took a little bit of footage, so I plan on making a video about that soon.

Has anyone been watching the Olympics? I love it. Especially the figure skating. My god, I love figure skating. Ever since I was a kid, figure skating has been my FAVORITE part of the Olympics. The summer Olypics just don't compare to the winter ones because there is no figure skating. Gymnastics is kind of close, but not the same. The year she won, Tara Lipinski was pretty much my idol. I loved her all the way through the Olympics and was ecstatic when she won (funnily enough I just recently found out that one of my other best friends -- another figure skating lover -- HATED Tara Lipinski because she loved Michelle Kwan. Had we known each other then, we may not have been friends). This year, I was so over excited when Evan Lysacek took gold. Like seriously. Oh my gosh. I didn't get to watch the ice dancing from tonight yet, but I'm heavily rooting for Meryl Davis and Charlie White, though I also like the team from Canada. . . whose names I can't remember right now.

What about you guys? Do you have a favorite Olympic event? Who are you rooting for? Does anyone out there like figure skating as much as my friend and I? By the way, Johnny Weir is awesome. Crazy, but awesome.

And I will leave you with an excerpt from my novel. I kind of like that I'm showing these to you guys, because unlike all the other books I've ever tried to write, with this one, I'm not showing ANYONE anything from this first draft EXCEPT these excerpts. These are things that may change drastically in later drafts, but I'm having fun sharing these tiny bits for now.

“So,” Jal said, louder now, “I assume you know how to dance?”
Ronan laughed. “Not well,” she admitted.
“Damn,” Jal said, mockingly disappointed. “How am I supposed to impress the high of society when my date can’t dance?”
“Isn’t that why men are supposed to lead?”
“No, men are supposed to lead because we’re stupid and most of us can’t dance. We make the women look pretty and try not to step on their toes.”
“But you’re better than that?”
“Oh, absolutely,” Jal said, winking sideways at her. “Just you wait, Miss Stidolph, you are in for a treat tonight.”

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Love and Lost-ers

Sooo...LOST was on last night! That was super exciting! I, for one, was very satisfied with the premiere. I can feel the answers starting to come, can't you? I wrote an article with just a few of the questions I need answered this season, which is here (awesome that two of those questions have already been answered...kind of). Do you guys have any questions you just NEED them to answer this season?

In response to a few of your comments, Meranichan: from looking at your picture, I can definitely see your resemblance to Emma Watson, which is awesome because she's gorgeous. Certainly a great person to resemble. :] From what I hear, Kate Nash is in a band I can't remember the name of, and she's coming out with a new solo album this year, so yay. AND I'm super sorry about the jerk boy who ruined "The Nicest Thing" for you! Part of the awesomeness of the song, I think, is that it's just SO relateable, any girl who had ever liked a boy who didn't like her can see herself in it (for me, the line "I wish that you new when I said two sugars, actually I meant three" makes me believe the song was written about ME, lol), so I can see why it would be a bit personal for you now.

CRUNKRacoon: After looking at your picture, I think you might look a bit like Penelope Cruz, or Cameron Diaz when she's brunette, or even Rachel Bilson. Maybe? Those are my two cents, haha.

I have a huge sinus headache right now and I'm trying to decide whether to watch till the end of Craig Ferguson, even though it's a rerun, to go in my room and watch the third episode of Being Human, or to go to sleep. I haven't decided yet. If I still don't decide by 1:37, though, I'll have, I suppose, chosen the first by default.

Oh, I've started watching Being Human, by the way. I've only seen the first two episodes so far, but I'm REALLY enjoying it! Like Doctor Who, it seems to have a really good grasp on friends who show affection to each other without having interest in the other's pants. Hugs don't need to be fueled by sexual tension, American television. Can we get that straight, please?

Also, my mom and sister are watching season 3 of Doctor Who now. I still REALLY dislike Martha Jones. I'm sorry if you're reading this and love her, this is nothing against you personally, I just don't like her at all. I'm looking forward to the episodes where she stops throwing herself at the Doctor so much, and I really miss Rose again. And I want Donna to come back, haha. Love Donna, adore Rose, not a big fan of Martha.

Also, I just tried to type "Love," and instead ended up with "Lost." Teehee.

I've started writing my NaNo again! I took about a month long break near the end of December, but it's SO good to be back to writing. I missed my characters a bit. I used to post excerpts from whatever I'd written that day on my blog, would anyone be interested in me doing that again? Let me know if you are, and I may start again.

Okay, that's it for now. I have to decide what to do before I sleep. :] My Scottish friend Martin is telling me not to watch Being Human, which makes me want to watch it more. He should be sleeping, anyway. :P

See you soon!

Current music obsession: Balloons by Julia Nunes. I mean, seriously.
Reading: The same thing, okay? I haven't had much time for reading lately.

Monday, February 1, 2010

"I wish that you knew when I said two sugars, actually I meant three."

I keep not updating this thing until really late at night when I decide not to because it's...too late. So here's a short one.

I'm sure you're aware, it's "doppelganger week" on facebook, which means a ton of people are replacing their profile pictures with famous people they've been told they look like. Well, the person I've been told I look like the most in my life is Audrey Hepburn, so I initially put up a picture of her, but then I was asking people who I look like, and I got some interesting answers.

A lot of people have said Kate Winslet, Florence Welch (of Florence + the Machine fame) and Anne Hathaway. I see it with some of them, but not really with others, I just find it super interesting to see how other people see me. Anyway, my friend Viki ended up suggesting Kate Nash (who I love), and I definitely saw some resemblence, and my mom did too, so that's who I ended up going with.

Who do you look like? It can be someone you're told you look like, or someone you've noticed yourself. I think we see ourselves sometimes differently than other people see us, so I like hearing who people think they themselves look like as well as who they think others look like.

I'm sorry if that's dreadfully boring. Or if it didn't make sense. I just need to post SOMETHING.

Also, I'm not sure, but this whole post may have just been incredibly narcissistic. Whatever.

See you soon!

Current Music Obsession: The Nicest Thing by Kate Nash. Which, yes, I've been listening to for years, but I just had it on repeat for a bit of my novel I'm writing. It's a brilliant, simple, gorgeous, heartwrenching song.
Reading: Doctor Who: The Taking of Chelsea 426 by David Llewellyn . . . still.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

"My brother had a rabbit...that's it."

While this post may be trying to decieve you into believing I wrote it at 8:51pm, it's actually about 3:30am. I left it open for a long time. I really need to get to sleep to try to fix my god awful sleep schedule, so I'm going to make this one brief.

Over the past few weeks, I've gotten a few new regular readers, and so if I haven't said this to you already: welcome! I'm glad you're here! (also, for those of you who may not know, I have a youtube channel I'm trying to post on more regularly, and you can find it here)

I've been trying to work out a way to reply to your comments and continue on a conversation, because I really feel like, even though this is unarguably my personal blog, it's really a conversation between me and you out there. So, I've decided that whenever there's a comment I feel the need to reply to, I'll just post it in my entry.

Now, if I don't reply to all of the comments, it's not because I didn't read them or love them or have time to reply to them; it's just because I maybe didn't have anything to add. I just want to clarify that.

Okay, so here we go.

"CRUNKRacoon: I probably shouldn't follow everyone who mentions Doctor Who in their blog. X]
Any way you could post a link to that video? I'm trying to warm up to Matt Smith to avoid Post-Tennant Depression."
Absolutely! It's over here. I get what you mean about Post-Tennant Depression. I totally have it too! Don't worry, we'll get through it together. Another video I watch when I really need a boost is the Jonathon Ross interview with David Tennant and Catherine Tate, which can be found in two parts here and here. It's brilliant and hilarious and makes me laugh every time! The interview was held right before series 4 aired, so for those of you reading who haven't finished the show yet, you can watch it before you watch series 4.

Alright, I REALLY have to go to bed now. Love to all!

See you soon!

Current music obsession: Lady Gaga in general, and "Drumming Song" by Florence + the Machine
Reading: Doctor Who: The Taking of Chelsea 426 by David Llewellyn

Monday, January 18, 2010

"I like impossible."

Okay, well this bloggy window has been open for a really long time, and I just haven't had anything to say. I mean, I did when I thought "I should blog now," but now I don't, so it's stream of consciousness time.

I've mentioned before that my mom and little sister are watching Doctor Who for the first time with Rachel and I, and we're finally in season 2, which is personally my favorite. Season 4 is brilliant, too, but nothing really compares to season 2. We're watching "New Earth" right now. The Docter and Rose are just...aww! SO adorable. I love them too much! I love Rose and Nine, too, but Rose and Ten are unparalleled in their cute.

Also, David Tennant has freckles. It's adorable.

My band had its one year anniversary yesterday! We've been a band for a whole year now!

"It's like living inside a bouncy castle!"

"I shall proceeed...up the apples and pears!"

Possesed!Rose is genuis.


Brianna (my little sister) just referred to the research laboratory in this episode as "the psycho ward in the Emerald City."

Okay, that's enough. I told you last time that I got that online journalism job. If you want to check out what I've written so far (and I'd love it if you would), my page with my work so far is here.

Aw. Ten's first full episode and he gets to save the world through hugging. Isn't that just like him?

Stream of consciousness over now.

See you soon!

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Okay, it's way too late for me to post a whole blog, but I just wanted to say that I GOT THE JOB!!! I am now the Science Fiction Examiner for Tampa Bay on!!!

Also, it's 34 degrees F right now, and I LOVE it! I live in FLORIDA. Land of the hot. 34 degrees is unheard of, and I'm loving every single second of it. XD

Okay, I have to go. Thanks for being awesome!

See you soon!

P.S. After watching an interview with Matt Smith, I'm actually way more open to him being the new Doctor, and actually kind of excited about the new season. I mean, he's no Tennant, but he's got quite the frenetic way about him, which I quite like.
P.P.S. I've also just realized that my last three blog titles have been in all caps.

Friday, January 8, 2010


Heeeey, guys. Sorry I haven't been blogging in a while. I was kind of taking a break from all things writing there for a while. It was nice, but now I'm back.

I have three major things to talk about today: Doctor Who, jobs and the end of the world. Allons-y?

So, right, Doctor Who. I finally caught up just in time for the End of Time episodes. Watched both parts on January 1st, and oh goodness. I thought my reaction would at least be comparable to when I saw Doomsday, but not even. Spoilers, by the way, in this paragraph. Skip on to the next if you haven't seen End of Time parts 1 and 2 yet. My sister, Rachel was crying on and off for the whole last half hour. I wasn't, I was trying really hard to just resist the whole thing. Sitting there going, "No, no, no, no, no, no, no!" over and over. But then, when the Doctor went to give Donna the lottery ticket, and mentioned her father to her mother, I started crying some. When Wilf lost it, so did I. Like really lost it. The second it cut back to Rose's street and I heard Rose's voice, I started to sob. At this point, I was well gone and it was really all I could do not to be too loud as I blubbed. OH MY GOODNESS MY HEART WAS BREAKING! And he was just watching her! If he hadn't made a noise, and she hadn't turned, he would have just WATCHED HER GO! Their scene was incredibly sweet and incredibly sad, and oh my lord, I couldn't stop crying. And then the OOD! All the Ood singing to him! And then he made it painfully into his TARDIS and said "I don't want to go!" which is just so human and speaks to the innate humanness inside of us all, and shows that the Doctor is more like us than he maybe sometimes wants to admit and OH MY GOD I DON'T WANT HIM TO GO, EITHER!!! And then he changed. David Tennant was gone, and there was some other man in him place. Honestly, even though there were kind of funny bits I was able to appreciate later, both Rachel and I were crying far too hard at this point to be able to appreciate them then. Long-time readers may remember that I detested Martha before I even met her just on the sole reason that she wasn't Rose, and Rachel and I were determined not to make Eleven the Martha of the Doctors, but we seriously failed for a few minutes there, I'll be honest. Going through tissue after tissue, Rachel was moaning about "geronimo", and I kept yelling "Who the hell is THAT?!" After we'd calmed down a bit, we watched the preview for next season and felt a little bit more open to him. He's still not the Doctor in my mind, but I'm becoming more accustom to the idea as time moves along. Once the new season starts, I'll probably be fine with him. Now, please, Doctor Who fans, tell me your reactions to End of Time! If you'd rather write a blog on it and link me to it, that's fine, but I want to know how you reacted! Did you cry? As much as I did? My friend Zack told me he had to accept Matt Smith's Doctor right away or he never would, whereas I need time before I can move on. Which way are you? Or do you feel differently even to that? I want to know!

Okay, that's it for the End of Time spoilers, people who haven't seen it. We're good now, you can keep reading.

So, the end of the world thing, yeah? The only reason I bring it up is because it's evidently armageddon week on the History Channel, and everyone is still talking about 2012 and whether they believe in it (I, personally, am pretty sure the Mayans just stopped writing down predictions, not that they thought the world would actually end, they just got bored or died or something). Ironically, my mom and little sister are watching Doctor Who series 1 for the first time, and during armageddon week, we saw the episode where the world ends. The one where the Ninth Doctor takes Rose to see the sun expand and destroy the earth. The Doctor has this amazing quote in that episode, and I love it, so I'm sharing it. He says:
"You lot, you spend all your time thinking about dying, like you're gonna get killed by eggs, or beef, or global warming, or asteroids. But you never take time to imagine the impossible. Like maybe you survive."

And, see, I love it because that's sort of what I believe here. I really don't think we're going to get wiped out by things like global warming or asteroids or random planets inexpicably falling out of orbit, even though nothing like that has ever happened before. I mean, call me optimistic or naive if you want to, but I just have more faith than that. We've survived this much, haven't we? We're a scrappy species. I think we can make it for a bit longer. Anyway, have you got any thoughts on the end of the world? Do you think we're gonna be gone by 2012?

And lastly, jobs. I just applied for one. It would be a blogging job and it's kind of perfect for me. I have up to two week before I hear back, but if you could all cross your extremities and pray I get it (if you're the praying sort)? It would mean a lot to me! THANKS!

Okay, I need to go and read a bit more of the Doctor Who book Zack got me for Christmas and then sleep.

See you guys soon!