Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Run, Run, Run!

No songs today, I am much too sick. :[ I'll make it up when I get better again.

We're watching Lost (love this show). Must know what happened to Daniel Farraday!

Oh. Okay, now I know. I won't say anything in case you haven't seen it.

I've been feeling especially icky today, so I don't have much to say, I'm afraid. I'm literally trying to remember everything I did today, but I don't seem to have done much of anything save for creating a totally awesome flash header banner for the PwP myspace (and figuring out how to get it on there), and getting my friend Charissa addicted to ALL CAPS.

OH! I did write a trock song today! Really randomly, and almost entirely before I left for school. I wrote the last bit after my class. It's called "Run" (I think. That could still just be the working title). I don't think I'm going to sing it on my channel until I've practiced it quite a bit. I may actually release a studio recording of it right off, rather than playing it acoustic on my ukulele first as I normally do. I'm not sure yet. Anyway, it's a Rose song, obviously, since I'm still on ep 11 of series 1, and I rather like it. I hope you all will as well.

And that's just about it.

See you tomorrow! <3

Attractive: Being wounded? I don't know, this could just be me, but for some reason whenever cute guys in television shows or movies or books or what have you get injured, I perk up a bit and take notice. Sorry if that's weird.
Unattractive: It's actually much harder for me to think of unattractive things, besides the obvious. I don't really have any examples from today either. Let me get back to you...

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Happy Wizard Rock Awareness Day!

Yup, that's right, it's Wizard Rock Awareness Day. I actually didn't know that until around 11:30 this morning, but I celebrated anyway. I played the Wrock Lyrics game on twitter with @wizrocklopedia, I gave a HP friend of mine a Wrock mix CD (that was actually 3 discs, but the last one only had 4 songs on it because of iTunes fail), and I -- as per usual -- blared Ministry of Magic in my car as I drove with the windows down. Maybe it's just me, but I think more people noticed today than usually do. Or maybe not, hah.

I also have a new favorite band. They just announced themselves and released their first album TODAY, but they are already one of my favorites. ALL CAPS is a side project of Luke Conrad of Ministry of Magic and Kristina Horner of The Parselmouths, and they're FREAKING AMAZING! Go listen to their music RIGHTNOWRIGHTNOW! This blog will wait until you've heard at least "I Love You" and "I Love Brains"! It's all nerdy music and it's amazing! It makes me smile soooo much!

I blame ALL CAPS for influencing my graphic minimalist piece for my composition class. It's now completely video game-themed. Seriously. It's kind of epic.

Aaaaand I just got totally distracted listening to "I Love You" again. XD

OH YEAH! I spent all evening messing with html codes to make The Potterwatch Project's myspace prettier. Go. Behold the shiny.

I have a massive headache, so I'm gonna go. Oh man, I hate freakin' zombies.

On the up side, I did post a video yesterday! It is possible that I may post another tomorrow. We'll see.

See you tomorrow, and keep wrocking! <3

Monday, April 27, 2009


You know, I'm just not feeling it today. :[

Still sick. Didn't do much today. Saw Bridge To Teribithia, which was odd. We were completely convinced that it was a total misnomer, until he randomly...built that bridge at the end. I didn't really get it, if I'm honest. Maybe that's just because I'm sick.

Rachel and I have been affected by all the Doctor Who we've been watching recently. We both now talk in mild British slang. Yeah...

My cats just started screaming outside my room. They don't want me to sleep! They keep trying to break in, and just now they were either attacking each other or all going at it together to attack the sliding glass door. I don't really care which as long as they don't hurt themselves, but they had better stay OUT of my room. For srs.

I have nothing else to give. If all goes well, I'll be vidding tomorrow. But that's what I said last time, wasn't it?


Saturday, April 25, 2009

Speaking of the Sick

I realized today that V/Blog Every Day April only has 5 more days to its name. I kinda feel a little sad about that, even though for the past week or so I've been wishing I didn't sign on to do this in the first place.

Maybe it's just the sick talking.

SPEAKING OF THE SICK: I has much of it. I spent the entire day lying on the couch watching America's Next Top Model with my dad. We don't even like that show. We got sucked in. I meant to be all homeworky today so I could feel good about myself, but I was just too icky-feeling. :[

I'd like to take a second to promote a wizard rock band just a little. Romilda Vane and the Chocolate Cauldrons recently sent us ("us" being The Potterwatch Project) a friend request and a lovely little message -- and can I just stop for a second and say HOW MUCH I'm loving building wrock relationships? Because it's so cool, and so much fun, I just love it -- and I just want to point her out, because her music is really cool and very pretty and has this awesome celtic-type feel. You should definitely go take a listen, because she's quite talented. And, I mean, I realize she's much more well known than we are, and I don't really have any standing to be promoting her, but if you're reading this and HAVEN'T heard her music, you should. That's all I'm saying.

And now I'm going to go ahead and sign off. I mean, I only tweeted a few times today, and I've been using filler pictures on DailyBooth and I just can't spend too much energy on anything today. Sorry, I'm just too sick.

Zack: Good idea about the ukulele capo, I've added it to my list. What else do I want for my birthday?

See you tomorrow! Hopefully in video form?
Emily <3

Attractive: Having any personality resemblance to Harry Potter. I'm not ashamed to admit that I've sort of fallen for the Boy Wizard in the last nine-or-so years. :]
Unattractive: Overreacting to everything. Please, some things are JUST a joke.

Friday, April 24, 2009

DFTBA and the fail that is homework

I feel pretty crappy today. Just really sick. :[ And I have a headache again, which is no fun.

Also, I have all this homework to finish, and some of it I missed a lot of because I couldn't go to school a few days that week, and now I'm confused. :[ However, I'm pretty sure I've discovered the secret to productivity. After an entire semester of apathy, I've actually gotten a fair amount done in the last two days because of two things: 1. finals are only a weeks away, and 2. the music of Luke Conrad, Kristina Horner, and Hank Green. Seriously, I don't know what it is, but this particular music is insanely productivity-inducing. Particularly "DFTBA" because of it's sheer epicness. XD Which reminds me that Michael Aranda music helps too. :]

My headache is feeling a bit better. IB Profin must be kicking in.

I'm actually writing this while I do my crazy homework, so there are long periods of time in-between paragraphs.

Yes, that is a score I'm meant to be analyzing. It's pretty much nothing but pictures and words. On two sides of a page.

Ludovico Einaudi is working pretty well, too. My favorite of his pieces is "Primavera". It's absolutely gorgeous.

Almost done. One more short stupid thing and this chapter will be finished! Then all I have to do is...the final. And my other two classes. Urgh.

I have to go back to YouTube music now. Ludovico Einaudi is awesome, but is making me feel more sad than happy. YouTube music makes me happy. Even when I'm burried in homework.

I am finished with this stupid chapter. Tomorrow I shall work on composition and my theory final. Too exhausted and sick to write anymore.

I don't knoooow what you mean when you saaaayyy... Please explain, what is DFTBAAAA?

Hopefully my voice comes back soon and I can make videos again. I've had a few ideas.

See you tomorrow! <3

Attractive: This song. Seriously! I've listened to it like 5,000 times, and I still can't get enough!
Unattractive: Forgetting to be awesome. Fo sho.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Near-ER Experiences

Rachel and I got our first three Wizard Rock EP of the Month Club discs today! XD I haven't listened to them yet, but I'm super excited to do so!

Also, we just watched three more episodes of Doctor Who, which puts us on Season 1, Episode 6. Well, we've finished episode 6, so episode 7? I guess. We're really liking it so far. The Doctor is hilarious and I LOVE Rose! :]

Hayley asked a question on her blog today, which was what fictional person do you most relate to? I'm not completely sure. I kind of want to say Ginny Weasley, but I'm going to have to admit that the reason for this is not so much that I truly do relate to Ginny Weasley, but just because I sort of really want to BE Ginny Weasley. She and Luna are sort of my fictional role-model-heroes. I mean, she's strong and brave and mischevious and smart; she's clever and she doesn't cry often, plus, she's attractive and boys like her. And Luna is the sweetest person, and she knows who she is and she's proud of that. She loves her friends and she's kind and compassionate and smart and brave and just pretty much awesome. If I could be a combination of these two fictional women, I'd be pretty happy with myself.

I'm listening to John Green on BlogTV, and it's distracting me.

I'm trying to figure out what I want for my birthday, because I always get asked what I want, and I never know what to tell people. So far, I have two CDs, one Nintendo DS and a DS game listed. I need more ideas. If you have any idea what you think I want for my birthday, let me know in the comments.

Maybe a guitar...hmm...I don't know.

I feel like I had something to say...but I can't remember it.

OH MY GOODNESS! Tonight, after I had watched last night's American Idol with my mom and Rachel, I was getting up from my seat and I TRIPPED and fell, nearly face-first into the brick hearth. I was so close to splitting my face open on the hearth corner, but I swerved sideways WHILE FALLING and fell on my hands and knees right next to the hearth. Rachel's response to this near-trip-to-the-ER? "Good thing you fall over so much!" My sensitive sister, ladies and gentlemen.

It was actually really funny. Well, first it was scary, then it was funny.

(I will spare a certain friend of mine by NOT making any "I almost DIED!" jokes here. ;])

Okay, I haven't gotten enough sleep all week, and I'm sick and have had a headache all day, so I'm going to go to sleep now.

John's reading poetry. I don't wanna goooo.

Goodnight. See you tomorrow!
Emily <3

Attractive: Glasses. Let's just face it.
Unattractive: Pants that hang around your butt. Let's just face it.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Song Wednesday

Video today.


See you tomorrow.

Spattergroit Isn't Much Fun!

I'm really tired, so this will be brief.

I don't wanna say "FML", because I actually have a totally awesome life, and I do love it, but today was...not so fun. Basically my freak out from last night carried over into today. My mom helped me make a list of all the things I'm freaking out about, which helped a little, and I didn't spend my entire day at school, which was nice, but I had planned on getting some work done while I was at home and leaving with plenty of time to get to my afternoon class. I ended up spending all my time freaking out about what I needed to get done, then completely lost all sense of time and left half an hour after I'd meant to. Rawr, not fun.

I'm so ready for all of this to be over.

But one of the things I was freaking out about (which is also the one I can't quite announce -- soon, though! very soon!) has been at least partially made better, so that's good. God works through my stress attacks.

I'm listening to the new Parselmouth song, "Spattergroit", and it's amazing. Go listen! Also, while you're at it, go vote in the Wizard Rock People's Choice Awards! Go, go!

See you all tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Under Pressure!

Rawr, I need to blog!

I want to make videos. I do. But...schoooool. Grr. I haaaate this. I have two and a half more weeks. The question right now is, can I make it?

Here's the deal: I graduated with my AA last December. Since I have no idea what I want to get by BA in, and since I'm COMPLETELY SICK OF ALL THINGS SCHOOL-RELATED, I decided to take some time off...after one more semester. I, mean, overall I'm glad I did it. I got to finish Music-and-Aural Theory 4, and I got to do Music Composition 2. But I've had a bad case of apathy all semester. Since Spring Break, it's been about ten times worse.

Anyone who knows me knows that I am really NOT an apathetic person. Actually, you can probably get that from just watching my videos and reading my blog. I'm a hot-or-cold kind of person. If I love something, I throw myself into it. If I don't like it, I don't bother. I have a bad temper, but I can be over it in a matter on minutes. I actually usually like school. I'm a nerd, so I love to learn, and generally school is a fairly sociable and enjoyable time for me. But I've been in college for almost four years now, since I started dual-enrolling when I was 15, and I can't take it anymore. I've got extreme Senioritis, and I'm a first-semester Junior. I'm taking at least a year (maybe more) off after this semester, but I've been so overcome by this uncharacteristic apathy that I have a lot to get done in the next two weeks before I leave. Also, I don't like feeling apathetic! It's not me, and it makes me uncomfortable and restless and UGH, I just can't stand it!

To top it all off, I'm having an amazing time in my band, and I just want to focus on that. I'm site manager, which makes me in charge of editing and updating our myspace and youtube, and sending and replying to emails. I also have a fair number of partially-written songs that need to be finished and arranged before we record them, which we need to do soon if we want to release an album anytime this summer. We're also hoping to travel sometime this year, and we're trying really hard to get that to work out. We don't have any money, and we're going to start doing live gigs soon, but we need to rehearse pretty hard and none of us have time. AND Rachel and I are starting a side project that is yet to be announced, but will be AMAZING if we can only do it, which I'm not sure if we can, and it's FREAKING ME OOOOOUT!!!

I'd normally apologize for that sort of outburst, but this is my own freaking blog and I can freak out and stress and whine as much as I freaking want.

I need encouragement.

No, I need an out.

See you tomorrow.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

His Majesty, My Mother

I just read an email from my mom, and thought she'd signed it "His Majesty".

She hadn't.

Now I'm on the phone with Stephanie (of StephandEmmy fame), and she can't log into YouTube, and also she's lost about everything she owns. Poor girl's just having a tough time today.

My elbow still hurts. I don't really know what happened. Yesterday, I reached behind myself to close a door and suddenly there was pain. Lots of pain. Now it's in a brace, which may or may not actually be an ankle brace but seems to be working fine on my elbow, so it's staying there.

I'm at Rachel's school, waiting for her to be done with her tech rehearsal.

I think I might try to cover a song today to make up for the LAME-O blog entry.

I'm sorry, everything I'm working on is just still kind of under wraps.

Except, well, we're trying to have a band practice soon so we can start playing live. And we're recording still, but nothing really new on that front.

Okay, I'm getting sick of all the lame.

See you tomorrow! <3

Too Darn Late

It's too late for me to be posting when I have church in the morning.

My hair is wet. I hurt my elbow today. It needs to sleep in a brace whilst I am awake. I'm reading Harry, A History. Sometimes it makes me cry.

The end.

See you tomorrow!
Emily <3

Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Attractive Factor.

Oh, right. I have to blog.

Okay, well most of my day went into rehearsing the kid's troupe I help run (it was dress rehearsal, and they're not quite ready) - and that would be boring for me to write about, and an utter snooze-fest for you to read - and something I'm really excited about that probably shouldn't be announced just yet, and I wrote about three different emails explaining it to others so I'm done explaining it for now.

Soooo....I'm going to blatantly copy Hayley and just write about what's "attractive" and "unattractive" (see what I did there? I used synonyms to blatantly appear like I'm trying not to blatantly plagiarize someone else's ideas.)

Disclaimer: These apply exclusively to me, unless admitted to by others. I don't speak for the Population of Women Worldwide, just myself.

Attractive: Hats. Not, like, baseball caps, but cool hats. Fedoras and those knit hats with the ear flaps and tassels at the ends. Even those fuzzy Durmtrang-looking hats with the ear flaps that fold up and down if you can pull it off. Jeez, if you can look good in one of those fuzzy Durmstrang hats......
Unattractive: Wearing that gross, toilet-water-and-musk cologne. Especially in excess. Might as well just gag me right now. Blegh.

Attractive: Being genuinely comfortable around and evidently fond of children. It sounds like a little thing, but this can tip the scale between a "hot guy" and a "friendly dude".
Unattractive: Not liking cats. I don't care if you're more of a dog person, that's okay, but you have to at least LIKE cats.

Attractive: Being nerdy. And proud of it. In front of others.
Unattractive: Trying to look cool. Gah. Just, no.

Attractive: Having the ability (and liking) to sing. Playing guitar. Playing piano. Playing the drums. Playing almost any instrument.
Unattractive: Have a close-minded taste in music. Take a look at my iTunes. You need a musically open mind to get to me. Wrock out with me. Appreciate Stravinsky and Bartok and minimalism. N Sync still makes some of the best car music. And The Hush Sound is one of the best bands ever.

Attractive: Reading.
Unattractive: Thinking you know more than you do. Thinking something is beneath you because it's not up to your "sophisticated" tastes. (I've had a lot of frustration as my Music Theory class has progressed into 20th century music, can you tell?)

Attractive: Being really passionate about something. Preferably something artistic and creative. If you're really passionate about math, that's great and all, but we probably won't work out. If, on the other hand, you're really passionate about music or fine arts or writing or reading or photography or...okay, you get the point. Apathy just isn't attractive. Having a passion for something and that being evident...yeah, that's pretty attractive.
Unattractive: Not liking Harry Potter. Sorry, I know that's not fair, but if you don't like The Boy Who Lived - if you don't get the fandom...we're just not going to make it.

Attractive: Being adventurous. And spontaneous. I mean, I love planned events, and I hate the kind of "spontaneity" that's really just an excuse to not make plans, but jeez, can we randomly drive into a nearby town to go exploring, or run around a park just because it's there, or something? Please?
Unattractive: The kind of "spontaneity" that's really just an excuse to not make plans. Rawr, SO frustrating!

Attractive: Songs that are nerdy. If you've written a song that references Lost or Harry Potter or Super Mario or Heroes or nerdfighters.......well, that's a good thing, let me tell you.
Doubly Attractive: Songs that are nerdy...and have my name in them. I know it's narcissistic, but I'm a sucker for a song with my name in it (even if it's not nerdy...). It's pretty rare to hear a song with the name "Emily" in it, and it always makes me feel uber special. Even when it's not written for me, or if said "Emily" spells her name differently. "Love Song Requiem" and "Me and Milee" make me squee quite a bit. :]

Okay, that's it for now. Maybe I'll do this again. Maybe I won't. Now I must sleep.

See you tomorrow! <33

(OH! and go ahead and leave comments telling me what you think is and is not attractive. :D)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

TweetDeck > New YouTube

So I just downloaded TweetDeck, and I'm kind of loving it so far.

And I've just figured out how to change the layout colors. This thing is awesome. XD

You know what's not awesome? The new YouTube. I won't really go into exactly HOW notsome it is, but I don't really like it. Some of it is...okay. But some of it I already hate. I hope they fix it. Soon.

I came home from my sister's composition concert too late to catch PotterCast tonight, but when I tuned into the ustream channel, there was wrock playing with HBP pictures! Ahh, it was sooo cool! I want there to be a constant wrock-and-HBP-pictures online radio show. That would be awesome.

I came home from school today with every intention of being productive. And I was. Kind of. Not with anything most people would consider "important", like "school" and things I have "deadlines" for, but I did figure out all the chords and such for a song I wrote that may or may not be the final song on The Potterwatch Project's album. I think that's pretty good work. I did, however, just realize I only have two weeks of school left and I have to finish SO MUCH before finals week. Diogponfeowifjbf. Blah.

Haha, my mom just sent out an official email to the children's performing troupe we run, telling everyone some important information and concluding with the encouragement that we are "almost ready for our fist show!" She meant first. That makes me giggle. And that is why writing emails at 11:30pm is not a very good idea. It's the very reason I'm not writing an email I need to send right now. I'll write it in the morning. Don't want official band emails to have bizarre typos. At least all the recipients of my mom's email know and love her.

I keep singing my own songs. I'm having trouble coming up with chords to one of them and it's SO frustrating! And I need verses and bridges and choruses and whole songs to several of them. Rawr, I want to work on this, not school! Just two more weeks and I'll be free. I'll have a crazy-jam-in-everything-you-were-too-apathetic-to-do-this-semester kind of two weeks, but then I will have everlasting freedom from school. Unless I do eventually decide to go back for my bachlors. Meh.

Okay, that is all. I'm all over the place right now. As you can see. :D

I still would like feedback on my song yesterday! I have 7 ratings and 1 comment. What's that about? o.O

See you tomorrow!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

My Tragedy

It's Song Wednesday!

I'm actually really proud of this song, so you should go listen to it and comment to tell me what you think. :]

I wrote this song this afternoon after I got home from school. Actually, I wrote the chorus on the back of scratch paper right before I left school, and then wrote the rest after I got home. It has nothing to do with Harry Potter, and it's been a while since I've written a song that doesn't at least reference the Boy Who Lived, so it's kind of refreshing. It's actually pretty inspired by The Hush Sound, which I think is evident in the sound. Anyway, it's probably better for you to make your own conclusions on it, so I'll let you go listen to it.

I, personally, kind of like it. :D

See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Minimalism and RAIN!

Boy, am I tired. Woke up this morning at 7:30 and got ready as per usual to go to school, and I was even running on time and everything, when my mom told me about the weather. It was raining pretty hard, and evidently there were tornado watches and warning that would follow me all the way down to my school, which is a 40 minute commute from my house.

Needless to say, I did not attend my morning class.

Tuesdays for me are kind of boring, mostly. I have one class in the morning, and then I usually have to wait around until my second class at 3pm. There are usually a few of my friends on campus, but lately they've all been pretty busy with schoolwork (at school? Who would've thought?), and they all have shorter breaks than I do, either. So I wasn't particularly depressed about not having to deal with that today. I ended up being able to do some homework, take a nap, and make it to my second class on time and NOT completely stressed/exhausted. Although, the drive down there did kind of freak me out. It was very, very wet. :[

In my composition class (which is what my second class is, by the way), we usually listen to and talk about each other's compositions. Today, however, was a little different. Today we performed Terry Riley's "In C" together. It was really cool, and sounded great. I was kicking myself for not thinking of recording it. Ergh. But it was a lot of fun, and that's what counts, right?

Yeah, I really wish I'd recorded it.

By the time I got home, I had to rush right out again to see the Florida Orchestra perform one of my sister's pieces, which was really cool, but not I'm REALLY tired. So now I need to go to bed.

See you tomorrow. :]

Monday, April 13, 2009

A Brief Introduction...thing

Thanks, YouTube, for cutting off my video. >:[

Well, I'll be here all week, since I have too much schoolwork to do this week to make and edit videos every day. Except for Wednesday, where I'll be singing on a vlog as usual.

I have a video up today on StephandEmmy, so I'll be brief.

Real blogging commences tomorrow. :]

Night, all.