Sunday, November 29, 2009

We are the champions, my friends.


Gahhhh I am SO happy and excited right now! XD

Lookie at my graph:

Not bad for a first timer, eh?

Also, this is what my Scrivener word count looked like when I stopped:

Yay! I did it! *victory dance*

I still have about 10,000 words (at least) to write before the book is finished, but I WROTE 50,000 WORDS IN 29 DAYS!!!!

I'll keep posting excerpts if you guys want me to, though, until the book is finished. Let me know.

Speaking of, here's an excerpt before I try to sleep while happy dancing:

Slate got to the door, but hesitated. After a second, he turned around. “Hey, Ronan?” he said.
“Yeah?” she responded.
“I don’t want you to be with Jal,” Slate confessed.
Ronan blinked. “Why not?” she asked.
Slate took a deep breath. “Because I want you to be with me,” he said.

Those are the last words I wrote before submitting my word count and WINNING. Slate is a character that I thought I had figured out before I started writing, and then when I started writing him, he turned out to be COMPLETELY different to who I thought he was. He's awesome, though, I love him. He's also the character who speaks to me the most and gives me a lot the information. For instance, I had NEVER intended to have any sort of love triangle in my novel and then he goes and informs me he's in love with my FMC. Le sigh.

Okay, seriously I need to sleep now. It's almost 1am. Goodnight.

See you soon!

NaNoWriMo: WON!!!!

I think I'm gonna win this thing.

Arin’s house in the capitol was almost completely bare. There were a few dusty couches pushed into a corner that no one seemed to be willing to touch, but other than that, there was no furniture in the house at all. The entire place was filled with dust and dirt and smelled vaguely musty and spoiled. As Ronan paced the floor anxiously, dust rose with each of her footsteps. Eiley was sitting on the bare, dusty counter in the kitchen as Arin searched the cubboards for any non-perishable food they may have left behind when they fled the city. October and Nym were very subdued as Slate flipped a coin anxiously between his fingers, trying hard to think. Jal sighed heavily, knowing that he had to tell everyone what he’d found out.

Okay, so it's seriously not the best excerpt, but I wrote almost nothing that can be taken out of context tonight. I referenced the dust too many times, I know. Meh.

I have less than 2,000 words to go to 50,000. Tomorrow, I will win.

Also, hopefully I'll make a video tomorrow. Hopefully. No promises.

I'm sleepy. I have church in the morning, so I'm going to bed.

Goodnight, my dears.

NaNoWriMo: 48,232

P.S. There is totally a very good chance that I may be going to Vancouver in 2011 or 2012, and I'm already crazy excited. I've never been to Canada before, so I REALLY home this happens. Also, I'd be going to see a crazy awesome modern opera that I love, so yeah I'm reallyreallyreally hoping to go. Even though it's like two years away...

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Computers that talk?! Egads!

Oh, jeez. I just signed on and realized I never posted anything last night. Luckily, I haven' all today. Maybe that's not such a good thing. Anyway, excerpt and word count. Fuller post later, maybe.

Jal scanned the page, which was mostly about Logan’s condition and how she was admitted and her progress since. “Date of admission for Logan Stidolph?” he asked the computer.
“November twenty seventh,” the computer replied in a cool female voice. “Date of discharge, November thirtieth.”
“Discharge?” Jal asked, confused. “November thirtieth? But that’s today.”
“Correct,” the computer answered.
“Reason for discharge?” Jal asked urgently.
“Tranfer to another facility,” replied the computer.
“Where?” Jal demanded. “Tranfer to where?”
“Information not available,” the computer said coolly.
“Information not available,” the computer repeated.
“Damn it,” Jal hissed.

Haha, I was watching the end of an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation last night while I was writing, and figured there could be computers that respond to you in my futuristic world too. Also, they're touch screen. Ooh.

NaNoWriMo: 47,385

Friday, November 27, 2009

Here come the men in black, galaxy defenders.

Aw, see? I totally knew you guys were awesome. All of the comments on my last blog (er, the one before last, I suppose) were highly intelligent and thoughtful. You guys rock. I just knew it. :D

I loved reading what you guys had to say about the whole thing. This part in particular made me laugh:
The criticism I hear most is that vampires don't sparkle. Well then, find me a vampire and prove Stephenie Meyer wrong. They're fictional. They can do whatever the author wants them to.

And I agree with Elisabeth: Vampires are fictional. They can sparkle if they want to. Leave 'em alone.
You people make a good point. Anything fictional can be bent to the author's desires. Plus, vampires are something that have been legend for centuries. Every region has a slightly different take on them. Just because Bram Stoker wrote Dracula doesn't mean he made the rules, right? Creativity and all that. Since vampires are, after all, FICTIONAL. Lol. You people are awesome.

Oh, excerpt:

“How did it get here?” Ronan asked, the pitch of her voice low. “What is it?”
“It’s a city,” Arin answered, his own voice full of bitterness. “The capitol, actually. It’s where the government works.”
“No, that’s not right,” Ronan answered, eyes on the skyline before them. “It can’t be right, the government doesn’t exist anymore.”
Arin turned his head an looked at her. “Are you sure about that?” he asked.

I hope all you Americans reading this had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Mine was nice. It was just my immediate family, because we live far away from the rest of my extended family, and no one was really available to come over, but it was nice anyway. The food was delicious! I'm super excited about all the leftovers we have, too. :D

I watched the end of the parade this morning, because one of the highlights of my Thanksgiving is always the parade, and we'd taped it, so we watched the rest of it in the afternoon in between cooking and decorating. After we ate, we went on a family walk (because the weather is finally starting to cool down) and then we came home and watched the Thanksgiving episode from season 10 of Friends, which is in my opinion one of the funniest Friends episodes ever made, and then the Thanksgiving episode from season 3 of Mad About You, which was also really funny, and then both Charlie Brown Thanksgiving specials we have.

I'm also really excited about it being officially Christmas season now! I love Christmas!

So, I wrote about four measures of a song today, and I couldn't figure out if I wanted it to be wizard rock or muggle rock. I'm aiming more towards wizard, since I think it could be really cool for my band to do, but I need a plot for it. I only have four measures. Anyway, I decided to try to write a chorus, to see if that would do anything, but ended up writing half of a chorus that has to be for a different song. May have figured that one out, though. It's been SO LONG since I've written any wizard rock. I wrote a ton when we were first starting as a band, so I've sort of written half of our album with songs left over, so I was taking a break. However, I think these two songs need to be band songs, so I guess I'm back at it again.

Also, I have found another favorite band. You guys responded really well to when I kept going on about "Poison & Wine" by The Civil Wars, so I thought I'd share these guys with you as well. Here is the video that made me love them immediately, and then after you watch that, go listen to their music on their myspace. They're SO GOOD! Just, SO good. You should listen. Okay.

And that is all. Goodnight.

See you soon!

NaNoWriMo: 45,166

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Second post today

Please go read and comment the first post I made today. I will love you if you do. :D

“Are there any abandoned boats around?” Jal asked, panting from the walk, still weak from the three days he’d gone without food or sleep.
“Not any that I’d want to get into,” Slate replied as Nym put a hand up to help Jal stay steady on his feet. “Are you kidding? Any boat that’s still out here will have lived through a war and two consecutive years of rot. I’m not getting into a boat that could very well have a huge, unseen hole in the bottom.”

Why are my excerpts always about Slate! He's my secondary character!
(but I love him)

NaNoWriMo: 44,389

In defense of other human beings.

Can I just say something?

I realize this may or may not be taken well among people who read this, but I need to say it.

Why do we as a culture think it's okay to belittle and tear down any group of people? We focus on this when it comes to race and sexuality and religion (sometimes), but is a person whose tastes and opinions are different from yours any different than someone whose skin is a different color than yours?

I don't know about you, but I think not.

I'm going to come right out and say that I'm talking about Twilight here. Now, first of all, DON'T mistake me for a Twi-hard or whatever they call them, because I am most certainly NOT one of those. However, while I acknowledge that they books are pretty poorly written (in some sections, very poorly written), I also enjoy them for the entertainment factor. John Green recently posted a brilliantly written blog about Twilight, that I agree with %100, so if you want to know my views on the matter, that's what they are. So, no I'm not a huge fan of the series, but yeah, I do enjoy the entertainment they bring. I am in that probably %2 of the population that is really and truly nuetral. You can ADORE Twilight, and I'll still respect you*, or you can make fun of it, and I won't take offense (in fact, I'll probably laugh along).

Generally, this means I happily bystand at the Twiboxing matches between the lovers of Twilight and the haters of Twilight. I'm not on either side, so I just don't usually care.

However, this changes when one side crosses the line and starts being actually hurtful to people on the other side.

This has happened with fans to non-fans before, to a small level. People who love the series start mildly hating on those who don't, and while this is annoying, it actually does no real harm because the fan-haters are generally the less mature fans (I mean, the immature HP fans do this too, it's not new to fandoms), and the non-fans who are being bashed don't. . .care. But, with the release of New Moon, the non-fans are coming out in full force.

I get it, okay? I KNOW seeing Edward Cullen's face everywhere is annoying! I turned slightly to my right at the mall today and was greeted with an unexpected picture of EC at perfect eye level that made me scream because it was so startlingly THERE**. I understand that you would want everyone to just SHUT UP because you're not into what they are. But seriously, think about it. Wanting people to shut up and actually demanding that they do it are SUCH DIFFERENT THINGS, because with the former you're merely having an opinion, but with the latter you are forcing your will and opinion on other people who do not share it! That is beyond selfish, and no better than the immature fans who try to make others like it just because they do!

Worse, though, is something I just saw. There's this article/video of a man who decided to not only force his own opinions on others, but to do so in a hurtful and demeaning way. The fact that I am offended by this is not because I can't take a joke, it's because I won't stand for people treating people so poorly. This man seems to think that anyone who likes Twilight is just stupid cattle who he can treat how he wants. And, okay, so he pulled a prank. If it were just that, I wouldn't be so annoyed. I was kind of appalled, though, at the conclusion of the video: "Twilight Fans. Officially the dumbest people on planet Earth."

...WHAT?! Again, I'd just like to stress that this did not offend me personally lest you think I'm just ranting about something because someone badmouthed me. I'm offended, because this sort of generalization of people and then labeling them as the "dumbest people on planet Earth" is appalling! So, we can only respect people who share our opinions? Or is it just the ones we can control? I mean, are you serious?

Perusing the comments, most people seemed to be under the impression that the Twilight fans "deserved" it or "had it coming." Seriously? What did they possibly do that was so bad that they had this sort of hatred coming? Some even seemed to believe that people who were fans of more "acceptable" things like Batman wouldn't have been as annoyed had the same prank been pulled on them, which is ridiculous.

Most Twilight fans, I've found, are intelligent, friendly, caring people who just happen to like a series of books about vampires. I mean, watching the video, a lot of them even agreed with what they thought were jokes about Edward. These aren't the immature fans who will run you over with their cars (that they may or may not be old enough to drive) just because you don't like Edward. These fans can take jokes about a character they love. That usually shows some level of intelligence.

Why do people try to discourage love of something? Do we REALLY need to try to encourage hatred? Don't we have enough of that in the world? Even if you don't love what someone else loves, can't you just LET them love it? What is the harm? Is there ever any excuse for judging someone based on their opinions, especially to label them as less intelligent than others or yourself?

And I know that most of the people who regularly read my blog are super awesome people, so I'm probably preaching to the choir here, but you have (maybe accidentally) started thinking about Twilight fans as any less intelligent than yourself, please reconsider this idea. If we really want to encourage love, then let's push ourselves to encourage even the love that we don't share. Sound good?

As John Green (my hero, pretty much) so eloquently said:
There are books that teach us something about the world in which we find ourselves, and then there are books that help us to escape for a few hours the crushing pain of humanness. To deny that these books have value is to deny the reality of suffering (or, to argue, as the WaPo story seems to, that suffering is limited to young and/or uneducated people).

Let's not be among the narrow-minded and judgmental people who really convice themselves that this is true, okay? Let's not forget to be awesome.

I will update with my word count and an excerpt in a bit, as I'm still writing. Sorry for the long post. I really needed to get this out. Please comment and tell me what you think, and we can continue this and maybe end up with some sort of conclusion or something.

Also, no one even tried to guess who the people were in my banner thing yesterday. Is sad. :[

See you soon!

Ghost Whisperer: 1.12

*provided you're not an idiot, but if you're an idiot who doesn't like Twilight, I'll respect you no more than one who does.
**That's actually kind of a funny story. There was a guy passing me on the left at the time. I screamed, he stared.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I've my iTunes playing the "Classical" Genius mix, and it's kind of awesome.

I honestly can't remember where I stopped writing yesterday and started today. :/

Oh, no wait, I remember! HaHAH!

“Oh, honey, I was so sure I’d lost you,” Arin told her. “I really thought you’d gone.”
Little arms wrapped around Arin as Eiley said, “It’s okay, Daddy. I’m still here.”
Arin sniffed mightily and laughed once. “Yes, you are,” he said. “And I’m so happy you are. But there’s something I have to tell you, okay?”

Evidently, I didn't write anything funny today. It was 2,309 words of drama, I guess. But that's a pretty good word count, eh?

Where did I get all of this classical music? And before you think it, it's definitely not Bach and Mozart. Not even Beethoven and Debussy (actually, there is one Debussy, but I'm not a Debussy fan, so I don't listen to it really). Most of this is modern and contemporary. We're talking Josh Groban and Bond to Ludovico Einaudi and John Adams to Cage and a bunch of minimalists. I don't know where a lot of it came from, but it's making for some good writing music and I haven't listen to most of it in a very long time. This is why I love the Genius mixes on iTunes. There's even a Wizard Rock mix on my iTunes! \o/

Yeah, if you've read my blog for a while, you know at least some of my musical background, specifically the more recent part. Modern classical music is just cool, okay?

Yay, more Josh Groban is on! Definitely a change from the minimalist stuff.


Anyway, here I said something about the pointlessness of this blog and then mentioned something about remembering that I wanted to show you something.

At the beginning of the month, I made this graphic for my NaNoWriMo signature that is based on the book cover graphic I also made:
And then yesterday, I decided to make another one, which is this:

It may be slightly misleading because it makes it look like Ronan is the main character and the two boys are secondary, when actually Ronan and Jal (the boy on the right) are the two main characters and Slate (the one on the left) is the secondary one (although he's like the secondary character which is actually super prominent, so he's really close to being a main character, but not quite there). Also, they obviously don't look precisely like the characters because. . .well, the characters are in my head, and these are three real people who have been manipulated to look a bit like my characters. However, I'm kind of pleased with how it turned out regardless. Especially since I had to change all three of their eye colors and two of their hair colors.

Also, if you can name all three of the people I used in that banner thing, you win major awesome points.

See you soon! <3

Ghost Whisperer: 1.10

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Your hands can heal, your hands can bruise. I don't have a choice, but I'd still choose you.

My problem right now is that I can relate to that a little too well.

Slate went over to Jal and peered at his face. “How do we wake him up?” he asked, looking back at Ronan, who shrugged.
“Just make sure he’s still breathing and slap him on the back,” the man replied.
“You didn’t make sure he was breathing?” Ronan demanded.
“Sure I did,” the man said casually. “And he was. I said to make sure he was still breathing.”
Slate turned back to Jal, checked to make sure he really was breathing, then gave him a sound slap on the back.
Jal coughed heartily and woke up.
“Ah,” Slate said, smiling, “nice to have you back with us again, captain.”
Jal gave him a look of annoyance, but was still coughing and couldn’t say anything in response.

Last night, I watched this movie called "Carriers" that had Chris Pine in it, and honestly it was pretty bad. It had some good scenes (mostly, I noticed, scenes that were mostly Chris Pine monologues), but the storytelling was just bad. Too much telling, not nearly enough showing. And there were SO many missed opportunities, which was bugging me. I kept heckling it over Twitter because my sister wasn't there, and she's the person I always heckle with. Also, Chris Pine was the ONLY GOOD ACTOR IN THE MOVIE! At least the only good actor of the leads. It didn't have any redemptive themes in the end, because I think it was going for the whole look-what-humans-are-capable-of-when-they're-trapped-and-desperate thing, but it did a really poor job of actually putting that across. It was very disjointed. I thoroughly enjoyed the two Chris Pine Monologue Scenes, but the rest of it was not very good. I did watch the whole thing, though, so I don't know what that says.

So, uh, it's about 4 in the morning and I've already FINISHED the quota for today's NaNo! *fistpump* I'm pretty freaking excited. One of my characters cursed again, though. I was really setting out originally to not have cursing in this one, and that really didn't happen.

Anyway, I need to go to bed now. Goodnight.

And, oh, by the way, thank you to those of you who have told me you like my excerpts! I'm not showing anyone this manuscript until it's done (and revised at least once), so the fact that people seem intrigued by my little bits and pieces really means a lot to me. Keeps me writing. So thank you.

See you soon! <3

NaNoWriMo: 40,040

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Innuendos at 5am

I'm posting a few today, because my MC and my secondary male character have finally made friends, and I love their dialogue.

“What is it?” Slate asked quietly.
“I heard something,” Jal answered, searching the trees for a sign of whatever had made the noise.
“Squirrel?” Slate asked.
Jal glared at him.
Slate shrugged. “It’s possible,” he hissed.
“It wasn’t a squirrel,” Jal whispered back. “It was bigger.”
“Not helpful.”

“Do you feel like there’s an army of Satan’s minions at war with God in your head, too?” Slate asked.
“I don’t know if I’d have thought up that similie on my own,” Jal answered, “but now that you say that, yes, that is in fact exactly how I feel.”

“What is it?” Jal whispered, stopping with him.
Slate pointed. “Bread,” he said simply.
Jal looked. There was, indeed, what looked like a piece of half eaten bread sitting exactly where Slate was pointing.
“Squirrels eat bread,” Jal pointed out softly.
“Ah, but have you ever met a squirrel who baked bread?” Slate asked astutely.

“You think they won’t believe us?” Jal said. “They’re girls, Slate, not idiots. They know woodland creatures don’t bake.”
“I don’t want to worry them,” Slate clarified. Then he rolled his eyes. “I know they know woodland creatures don’t bake. What are you crazy? I don’t ever mess with those girls for fear that they may someday prove to be able to kill me with their little fingers.”
“I wouldn’t put it past them.”
“Me neither.”

Have you been listening to Poison & Wine by The Civil Wars as much as I have? I hear I've gotten a few people hooked on it. :D

Okay, so today was less than awesome. In fact, its sheer notsomeness bled over into today and made me lie around in my pajamas for an ungodly amount of time before taking a shower. Even then, I stayed in a funk for most of the day. Ranting at dinner to my understanding family helped some, and then I cleaned all three and a half bathrooms in my house (not by choice, mind you, I was getting paid for it and I need money for Europe), and cleaning is catharsis to me, so that helped too. Then we watched Star Trek as a family, and as I've mentioned, that's one of my favoritefavorite movies and I'm in love with Chris Pine's Jim Kirk (William Shatner creeps me out, so I'm not at all attracted to the original Kirk...sorry) and I think Chekov is adorable and of course Spock is awesome and Bones and Scotty are hilarious, so that helped a lot too.

Another thing that helped was that I have a few amazing friends who were definitely there for me yesterday, even though I couldn't tell them everything that was going on. You guys mean a lot to me. Thank you. <3

Somehow, half of this paragraph disappeared, but here's the gist?:
The crap that happened, hasn't been fixed yet, but at least I'm not stewing in the funk anymore. Tomorrow, I will surround myself with supportive people and try to have a good time at church and not slip back into the moping and funk. I actually ended up not being able to sleep last night because of everything that happened, so I ended up just stopping trying and then I watched Me and My Dick until 5am, which was definitely mature (and by that I mean for mature audiences...a lot of the jokes were sort of hilariously immature), but also really funny. After that, I was able to sleep. Hah.

Okay, I should go shower and get to bed. Goodnight, lovely people.

See you soon! <3

NaNoWriMo: 35,281
Ghost Whisperer: 1.08
Firefly: 1.06
Doctor Who: 4.11
Books this year: 15

Saturday, November 21, 2009

No, not today.

I have had the crappiest day that I've had in a really long time. The only upside was briefly going to the open house of a family I really like who adopted the little boy they've been fostering for a while today. He's adorable, and everyone was really happy.

Other than that, crap.

I've learned never to check my email. Ever.

Okay, that's a lie, but still.

Rawr. Haven't written because my FMC's life is too much like the crap in mine right now. And I wrote a ton yesterday, so I'm okay.

Whatever. This day sucks.


Friday, November 20, 2009

Poison & Wine

“Ronan?” Slate whispered in her ear.
Ronan blinked, breaking her gaze through the trees. She realized that Slate was literally holding her up so she wouldn’t fall down again, and steadied her feet under her so he could let go of her waist. She turned around toward him and he ducked his head so he could look her in the eyes.
“Do you want me to take over the rest of your shift?” he asked, sounding very concerned for her. “I don’t mind, if you’d rather. . .sleep.”
Both Ronan and Slate were very aware that she would not, in fact sleep, but stay awake preoccupied with thoughts of where Jal could be at that time. Ronan shook her head.
“I’m fine,” she said softly. “And you need sleep, you’re tired.”
Slate frowned down at her, inspecting her face for truth.
“I’m fine,” Ronan insisted. “Really.”

NaNoWriMo: 32,777

Yeah, that's right. Not only am I no longer behind, I am not AHEAD. I sat down about an hour ago and completely finished my word count for today and THEN almost all of my word count for tomorrow! *fistpump* So stoked!

Also, I have become kind of obsessed with this song by The Civil Wars. Ohhh my Lord. Lovelovelove! You must go watch the beautiful video and listen to the beautiful song!

<3 Emily

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Too tired.

“This is a stupid question, but may I ask why you don’t like me?” Jal asked.
“Because I can’t trust you,” Slate said immediately. “We all have stories. Mine is bad, too. Maybe not as bad as yours, maybe worse, but all I know is that it’s bad. I’ve learned, over the course of my bad story that if I can’t trust someone, I can’t like them. Ever. So, what do you say? I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.”


I'm going to start putting my favorite lines/sections from my writing that day in my blogs. Fun?


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

All caught up

NaNoWriMo: 28,349

Too tired to say anything else except that Rachel and I bought the new Star Trek movie (which, by the way, is one of my favorite movies and I've been waiting for excitedly for a while) on our way home from choir practice tonight and decided to start watching it at midnight. I adore that movie.


AND I'm all caught up to NaNoWriMo now!

My life is good.

<3 Emily

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I won my own bet, yeah.

37 minutes ago, I tweeted this when I hit 24k: "24k!!! YES! Think I can make it to 25k in the next half hour or so? Who wants to bet?"

9 minutes ago, I tweeted this: "
HAH! I DID IT!!! 25k!!! XD *victory lap* #NaNoWriMo"

THAT'S RIGHT, FOLKS! 1,000 words in 28 minutes! Not too shabby, if I do say so myself. And EVEN BETTER, I'M FINALLY AT 25,000 WORDS!!!! FINALLY HALF WAY!

Wow, I can't believe it! I am half way DONE with my novel! HALF WAY! I am sooo excited right now! I think I'm going to go take a victory lap around my house and then try to see if I can spot some meteors. 'Cause, you know, that's what cool people do when they get to the half way mark in their novels.

Pshh yeah.


<3 Emily

NaNoWriMo: 25,019

Monday, November 16, 2009


I forgot to post my word count last night. Here it is:

NaNoWriMo: 22,265

Nothing else has changed, although Rachel (mah sister) and I are pretty much planning on trying to watch the end of Doctor Who s4 today because WATERS OF MARS aired yesterday in the UK and although we knew it was going to be, the date snuck up on us. We wanted to be all caught up to watch it, but we're not. So we're going to watch the end of s4 (hopefully) today, and then the two specials after that maybe tomorrow, so we can watch Waters of Mars on...Wednesday maybe. Hopefully. Incedentally, if anyone has a link to where we can watch said episode online, could you please give it to me? Pretty please? :D

Also, I've been getting more comments from people telling me they read my blog, but don't really comment often and I want to say hello! It's really exciting to me that people are starting to comment more and we can have more of a dialoge-type-thing. So if you're reading and haven't commented yet, go ahead and introduce yourself! We can be friends!

I need to make a video for the collab channel I'm on today, but I'm also hoping to find time to make a quick one for my own channel, so that's not left abandoned to the four winds anymore. I swear, there are tumbleweeds rolling across that thing by now.

Anyway, I need to go make a video/finish arranging a choral piece/NaNo, so I'm going to end this here. Hopefully I'll start posting more interesting things later on. :]

See you soon! <3

Sunday, November 15, 2009

40 Minutes WHAT!

NaNoWriMo: 20,370 (more than half of that 2,000+ I wrote today was written over the last 40 minutes. Oh yeah.)
Ghost Whisperer: 1.04

Friday, November 13, 2009

How did this happen?

NaNoWriMo: 18,181 (I have no idea how that happened, since I didn't really write for that long today, but yay! Still behind, but getting closer)
Ghost Whisperer: 1.03

If you read my tags from yesterday, you already know this, but Luke Conard's song "Happy" is really the biggest thing that's getting me through the thousands here. I honestly have no idea. His music along with some other YouTubers' music really made me focus when I was finishing school in May, and now this song is working it's magic over my attention span during NaNo. I really don't get why I'm able to focus better while listening to it (it's magic! woo!), but I'm not questioning it.

QUESTION: Is there any specific song/band/soundtrack that magically makes YOU focus?

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Better tomorrow.

NaNoWriMo: 16,517
Still behind. I'll do better tomorrow.
Everything else is the same.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

So close. So tired.

NaNoWriMo: 16,024 (passed 15k AND 16k today!)
Firefly: 1.06
Doctor Who: 4.11
Ghost Whisperer: 1.02
Books this year: 15

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Almost caught up!!!

NaNoWriMo: 14,213 (that's right! Almost all caught up! And I didn't write a word yesterday, so that's all 4,119 today alone! XD)
Firefly: 1.06
Doctor Who: 4.11
Ghost Whisperer: 1.01 (although I've seen a fair few interspersed episodes on tv, I'm just counting the ones I've seen in order for now)
Books this year: 15

Sunday, November 8, 2009


NaNoWriMo: 10,094 (my first big milestone! \o/)

The rest is the same. kthxbai.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Still Behind

NaNoWriMo: 8,851
Firefly: 1.06
Doctor Who: 4.11 (s3 was on SyFy today!)
Books this year: 15

Rachel is now crashing in my room. A bug chased her out of her own.

<3 Emily

Friday, November 6, 2009

Faling at Life

NaNoWriMo: 7,759 (I fail.)
Firefly: 1.06
Doctor Who: 4.11
Books this year: 15

Meh. I suck.

Got my first NaNo CD Swap disc in the mail today, though! That was exciting! All the way from KANSAS! :P

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Keeping Up the Count

I have nothing really to say today.


Um...I'm re-reading the Abhorsen trilogy by Garth Nix, which I always list on my favorite books despite the fact that I haven't actually read them in pretty much forever. So, as you can imagine, I was kind of nervous picking them back up, but about three pages into Sabriel, and was thinking "Oh, there are good books!"

So that's exciting.

Also, last night I picked up another favorite book I haven't read in a while, which is Crown Duel/Court Duel by Sherwood Smith (it was originally published as those two books, but I have the edition that was published as one big one, as the author originally wanted). I ended up randomly reading a bit of it out of context, and now I really want to read it again too. Once I'm done with the Abhorsen books, I think.

Okay, here's the point of this entry. I want to keep up with my daily word count, and I'm going to do it here. So, I'm sorry if many of my entries this month are incredibly boring. I'm also going to be keeping up my TV counts, and I'm going to start posting how many books I've read this year, because my goal was 50, and I'm SEVERELY behind (and most likely not going to make it), so maybe being public about it will motivate me to read more?

NaNoWriMo: 7,058
Firefly: 1.06
Doctor Who: 4.11
Books this year: 15 (pathetic)

Remember, remember the fifth of November...

See you soon! <3

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Word War Win!

Today, I:

-- Slept for a very long time. I had a crazy weekend in which I didn't really let myself rest, and so I pretty much slept for a hundred years trying to make up for it. I'm also paying for it, because today I've felt like crap.
-- Made a Monday video. Of course.
-- Ate yummy ravioli soup. That's not really that significant, but it was yummy.
-- Wroteandwroteandwrote.
-- Procrastinated doing my modly duties on heroes_meta. :/
-- WON my very first word war against Rachel! 954 words in 30 minutes! Not too shabby....
-- Wrote 2,095 words so far. Hoping to get another 517 before bed. I'm well proud of how well I'm doing so far. I know I'll slack off more later in the month, or I'll get busy or something, so being ahead now is really my best bet for winning this thing. I have much optimism.
-- Watched Ghost Whisperer, and a bit of North by Northwest, which is still on as I type this.

I may or may not watch Gossip Girl before I go to sleep -- mostly to get a short break from all the death and destruction that my first chapter has to be full of -- but I'm still very tired despite my hundred-year sleep last night.

That's really it. I kind of want to try to blog more often, but we'll see if that happens.

See you soon! <3

Edit: I ended up writing another 1,345 words before bed, putting my word count for the day up to 3,440 (!!) and my total words count to 5,828. Oh yes!